As an answer to: Long Foreskin written by John at 25 May 2006 13:18:59:
Hi John,
You do seem to have a very very very long foreskin, (and let me check, there is absolutely no problem with retraction during erection, no frenulum breve or phimotic ring?).
Maybe you are in the USA (where are you?) some countries the doctors are obsessed with full circumcisions - so you could find a Jewish doctor to perform this old fashioned simple method - far simpler than full circumcision (simpler quicker and cheaper)
I think with the above page on "partial circumcision" you will start understanding the possibilities and know what to ask the doctor for
write again if you are still confused
>I am a adult male with a very long foreskin. When soft there is about a inch and a half of overhanging foreskin and when hard it still totaly covers the glans, but can be easy pulled back over the glans. The problem is I can not get a condom to stay on as the foreskin rolls foreward taking the condom with it and it breaks. The other problem is I find it very hard to cum as my glans is covered by my foreskin. The only way I can cum is for myself or my partner to hold my foreskin back baring the glans as we are having sex. I do not want to get circumcised, is there any way only the overhanging foreskin can be removed so I will still have a foreskin but not so long of one? I feel very embarrised to ask a doctor about this problem