The "preputial sphincter" what a lovely word!! adopted by the anti circumcision groups around 5 years ago, the word means the same as the phimotic ring, all the medical studies (except one) use the word phimotic ring ... anyway, naturally with partial or full circ. one removes the phimotic ring, this is the intention behind the operation.
Then, this doctor is talking about the scar tissue from a partial circumcision tightening up into a pseudo phimotic ring ... well I have heard the fear of this often, I believe in a couple of cases it has happened, and I have also heard of the scar tissue being too loose ... so my opinion, is that this depends on the method used by the doctor.
In practice, if your doctor has no competent method of performing a partial circumcision and is highly likely unpracticed in this operation, and therefore you should not let him perform it on you.
without seeing your condition myself it is hard to know, but I believe your main problem lies with the frenulum, ... I think you should re read my last letter, the idea with partial circ. was merely if the overhang is getting in the way.
Please reread the last letter, rethink about your frenulum situation. Your glans hurts (you say your glans is oversensitive) your frenulum does not actually hurt, (you say it is white, probably means no blood no nerves, so naturally this doesnt hurt) so it would appear to me that this is logical and the glans hurts primarily because the frenulum is pulling on it.
If I had to guess, I would say you need a frenuloplasty of some type, so please educate yourself on this and the various possibilities for treatment.
>Thanks. You managed to answer quite well.
>My urologist says he does not like to do a partial circumcision on me, because I'd lose the preputial sphincter then anyway, and he sees too many men come back for a full cut because of the scar tissue drawing the foreskin into a phimosis-like state. He says I should either learn not to mind it or get a full cut. He's personally much in favour of just letting it be. The problem with that is that my sexlife is suffering greatly.