A few years ago I stumbled on this forum and got involved in the back-and-forthing of comments and questions and... well even a little bit of bitching. Like many people here I have... well HAD phimosis and a sensitive penis head.
I found TWO things here on the forum:
1. Everybody seems to have their own unique physical circumstances (duh!) ;and
2. Some young guy had posted a BLOG about his circumcision.
Unfortunately I lost my link to this helpful blog.
I have decided to start a new one of my OWN as a gift to help anybody out who is in the tight foreskins sensitive wang club. I'm paying, out of my own pocket, to advertise it on Google's adwords program and also thought I should mention it here. It's a community service - a gift - call it what you like!
I've just had 'the chop' and you can read all about it at: