I was reading your site and thought you might like to hear my story.
I was not circumcised at birth, and can't remember ever liking my foreskin. I had I guess you'd say minor problems with it growing up. When I hit my teen years I really hated it. I didn't like how it looked or smelled. When I had sex with a girl, the foreskin would roll back over the head, cutting down on any feeling to the head. To be honest masturbating felt better.
Having a foreskin for 22 years I think I can speak from experience. If a woman,played,rubbed,sucked,anything else she wanted to do to my foreskin, I would never have an orgasm. To me it was just useless skin that got in the way.
Now having been circumcised for over 29 years I can say, I don't miss,or will ever miss my foreskin in a hundred million years. Sex is 100% better and in 29 years I have never had one problem,NEVER! My only regret is it wasn't done at birth.
If you never had a foreskin, believe me you aren't missing anything, and if you have a foreskin, believe me you are missing everything!