When i was a young boy (i believe with 13-14 years)i had realised that my foreskine ditn't slip back without hurt behind the glans.
I had heard about circumcision, but nobody speeks about this and nobody was circumcised in the family and the friends around.
So i decided to help me for myself. Alone in the bathroom i pressed a sharp citchen knife at a little piece of my foreskineth very slowly until the skin piece layed at the table. Than i sewed the wound sides together with my mothers cotton and let it heal. There was no or less hurt and it was easy to do. After healing i removed the next piece around the opening of my foreskine and so on. The whole procedure takes a year i think and it makes me fun.
At the end my foreskine was shorted for 2 -3 cm. The glans was covered still.
A complete circ would be much to striking by my brothers and friends, because it was unusually. But i could move now my foreskine wonderfull back and before.
And this is one of the most importand things for a boy or man - i believe!