Re: frenulum breve
Written by Robin at 07 Dec 2006 20:52:36:
As an answer to: frenulum breve written by UB at 07 Dec 2006 20:51:57:
Hello U B,
You probably have a mild form of frenulum breve - if you can retract
during erection then it is not a functional problem ... ie. you could
still have sexual intercourtse without pain or problems.
frenulum_pics.html shows intact frenulums - some are "breve" others are
How old are you? have you attempted intercourse? Really the proof is
in the pudding, its not just theory ... can you retract without pain?
... during intercourse do you experience pain or a feeling of
tension? ... you can simulate this during masturbation - what happens
when you retract the foreskin completely? is there tension?
please use
the frenuloplasty pages dont go into what the symptoms of frenulum
breve are, look at the main page "frenulum breve"
If you write back please tell us what your specific symptoms are, this site
is established to inform on the sexual/psychological influence of phimosis -
treatment is only an appendix on my site - treatment is the doctors department
- once the medical profession start realising how much phimosis can mess up sex
and emotions and behaviour etc. they could develop hundreds of different ways
to check for and treat these conditions which I cant even imagine - my job is
only to show what the problems are and bring this to the light of day.
So please tell me what your problems were with your condition and how old are
you and did you attempt sex with this condition?
>Hello Robin,
>the more I read about it the more I ask myself if I have a frenulum breve,
>The photos on:
>do they all show intact frenulums??
>And: how far should you be able to pull back the foreskin?
>With an erection, I'm able to retract so that the glans isn't covered ..but
>not more
>Hope to hear from you