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Re: phimosis problem

Written by Robin at 20 Jan 2007 16:11:09:

As an answer to: phimosis problem written by XYZ at 20 Jan 2007 16:10:04:

Hello XYZ,

Yes you have relative phimosis, ... you say you read a bit on my
page,... well read a bit more!!

It is impossible for me to say if a frenuloplasty would help you,
without a full diagnosis ... so first, do you have frenulum breve? may help or

otherwise a relative phimosis may often be painful during intercourse,
at present you masturbate keeping the foreskin forward, during
intercourse it will be repeatedly pulled backwards. Using a condom can
help to stop the pulling backwards but this is no permanent cure. Please read

If you write back please tell us what your specific symptoms are, this site
is established to inform on the sexual/psychological influence of phimosis -
treatment is only an appendix on my site - treatment is the doctors department
- once the medical profession start realising how much phimosis can mess up sex
and emotions and behaviour etc. they could develop hundreds of different ways
to check for and treat these conditions which I cant even imagine - my job is
only to show what the problems are and bring this to the light of day.

cheers and good luck
