Ludvigsson study: word "botade"
Written by anon at 10 May 2007 15:20:51:
Hello Robin,
I usually do not bother, but after stumbling upon and brosing through your site, I thought that this is something where I will contribute. I can only admire your percistancy and the sheer amount of work you've taken from your limited time to put this information together. I might also add that I have some personal experience on this subject, as groving up I wasn't able to fully retract my foreskin until the age of 19, due to several adhesions between the foreskin and the glans.
Anyhow, eventhough not being a native swedish speaker, I noted that you're seemingly on the wrong tracks with your quess that "botade" = full. Bota, -ar, -ade, -at is the verb for healing, and the past tense botade indicates that something/one has been healed from something.
Bota = to heal
Medicin Botar = medicine heals
Medicin Botade = Medicine healed
Medicin har Botat = medicine has healed
all the best for you and to this project!