Not so quick if I were you!
Written by Roger at 13 Jul 2007 01:09:41:
As an answer to: Re: But few of them physical. written by MG at 12 Jul 2007 18:36:09:
Well, "whatever floats your boat", but there is a "parallel" forum to this one where the proponents of the cosmetic circumcision that you propose, discuss in the most excruciating detail, the clearly painful and prolonged process of recovery from a circumcision (not to mention the possible need for second circumcisions to "tidy up" matters and get just the right "look"). And they are those who desired it in the first place - like you it seems.
On the other hand - and I have given you the references to find practical details of the process which is not entirely self-evident so you need the correct and helpful advice - you can use your own initiative to simply stretch your foreskin so that it does everything you would expect of it. Fordyce spots and such are not going to be evident if you have an erection and the foreskin is retracted. Nor can I imagine what sort of partner you would wish to find, who would have such an unrealistic cosmetic expectation of your penis as to examine it to find such spots.
And the point is - the stretching could be achieved within the same time-frame as it would take to recover from surgery - according to those pundits I mention, rather longer than you have imagined, I would say.
And the thing is - you are being offered understanding of the situation. That your brother was treated in ignorance, and your father suffered from it (ignorance) also, is truly sad. Would you not like the opportunity to rise above this?