As an answer to: Re: Phimosis written by Nick at 21 Jun 2005 15:09:37:
Hi Nick. Thanks for all the info! When I’m flacid I can retract the foreskin fully over the glans, I never used to be able to do this but over the past couple of years I have been able to for some reason? The pain I have when having intercourse is, in my opinion, soley to do with the tightness of the foreskin around the glans. I wouldn’t say that its the sensitivity of the glans. I have been to my local GP about this a few years ago and he suggested circumcision but I really do not want this as you can imagine! I was wondering, and I know this may seem a little weird, if I could e mail you some pictures of me flacid and erect and the differences? That way you could see exactly what I was talking about and comment on it and maybe tell me excatly what to do. I have some of the steriod cream you talk about at the moment but I do not want to start using it if it will not do anything. I hope none of this seems inappropriate and again, thanks for all your help.