Thanks for your forum post. We totally agree with the comments you have made, it is inconceivable that this area of medicine has been neglected for so long. I guess coming from the states being uncircumcised is quite unusual and it is probably the case your country does not like to encourage in tact foreskins and consequently does not provide adequate literature on the subject. Whilst you say that your state is pretty open with sexually orientated issues I imagine that most citizens in California are circumcised. Am I to take it that you initially chose not to have your sons circumcised for moral reasons?
Unfortunately this problem is evident in many countries and it is unclear why this is the case. We can only put it down to cultural reasons and the presence of a certain amount of taboo on this issue. Interestingly in the UK it is often the case that literature recommended to parents mis-informs and is often medically inaccurate. The best selling baby book in the UK completely neglects to mention the issue of foreskin retraction and the second best seller gives completely inaccurate advice stating that it is normal for a foreskin not to freely retract until age 17! Unbelievable.
Hopefully we will help to change things and by raising awareness on this issue we hope to alert the medical profession to this area of exceptional neglect.