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Male Initiation and the Phimosis Taboos

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Phimosis and Frenulum Breve

Written by Bongo at 19 Sep 2005 06:23:56:

I am an intact male, aged 29. I have had a healthy sex life and have never experienced pain during intercourse. Recently, I developed a yeast infection on my penis. The yeast infection, balanatis, did not respond to topical anti-fungals and my foreskin (which had never previously been a problem) swelled considerably, particularly in the frenular band. In fact, that band developed about a dozen small lesions, which would smart badly when I tried to retract the foreskin. My foreskin swelled to the point that I could not retract it far enough to see my glans. Concerned that I would no longer be able to urinate, I went to the ER. They diagnosed a secondary bacterial infection and put me on an antibiotic.

The antibiotic worked wonders. Within 5 days, I was able to retract my foreskin far enough to urinate freely. Two days after that, I was able to retract all the way. The one problem was that my frenulum was in distress. It and the surrounding area were red and slightly swollen. Some of the lesions around the frenulum did not heal, although the lesions on the rest of the band healed leaving only thin scars as reminders. Fully retracting the foreskin caused the frenulum to bend the glans and shaft down significantly. And, when I released the foreskin, the foreskin would bounce back and bunch up behind the glans.

My urologist recommended a circumcission because he felt that the balanitis and phimosis were likely to recur. However, he said there was no emergency and I could return to having sex and biking. I have indeed returned to having sex and biking, but I am concerned that the frenulum area remains swollen (some days are worse than others). Sex is not painful. But during the day -- particularly after sitting for long periods of time -- I sometimes feel like my foreskin is pinching the tip of my penis. And the underside of my glans is sometimes grayish though still sensitive to the touch. Occasionally, there is a faint, semicircular indentation across the top of the penis.

Here are my questions. Is this acquired Frenulum Breve? If so, will it correct itself when the swelling goes down? In fact, will the swelling ever go down, and what can I do to expedite the healing? Do I need to be concerned about the pressure on the glans? ( My urologist says everything looks fine and I'm becoming obsessed). Will the swelling ultimately lead to the rest of the band cracking and swelling like it did before?

My urologist says that he won't perform any operation other than a full circumcission. He says that cutting the frenulum will not address the phimosis. Any thoughts?

I am really disinclined to have circumcission because I am afraid that it will reduce sensitivity in the glans and sex will be less pleasurable. Is this a reasonable fear?
