(Extra Notes)
In Advanced Years

In a certain percentage of men, the conditions reoccur in old age as the skin becomes less flexible. This is also considered as a congenital complaint. In comparison to the free movement of yesteryear the difference is easy to notice and if operated on promptly the situation causes minimal psychological complications.

Secondary Phimosis
A congenital primary phimosis can often lead to infections, and be cured for reasons of this secondary symptom.
On the other hand, circumcision is a treatment often needed for a variety of ailments (skin diseases and infections, penile cancer, diabetes, injuries), and as a result of some of these, the secondary phimosis which may develop. This development is noticable to the individual and therefore (if treated without hesitation), bears little comparison to a congenital primary phimosis.

(Latin Frenulum: a small bridle. Breve: short).
The frenulum is like the joining ridge under the tongue, this membrane joins the underside of the glans to the foreskin.
There are various degrees of brevity. Occasionally the frenulum is so short that there is actually no frenulum, the foreskin being attatched directly to the glans.
With the frenulum breve, when erect the foreskin often pulls back partially, and then simply slides forward again. Minor degrees allow retraction behind the glans, apparently causing few problems. However sufferers feel a tension which therefore limits optimal enjoyment. The frenulum is the most sensitive area on the phallus. If the area is sensitive to pain at present, this turns to pleasure after being operated.


Though a circumcision cures the frenulum breve, leaving it little or nothing to pull on, the incision it is seen to require, is a specific one. The frenulum plastic (please confirm the English name) is a surgically insignificant operation, probably the smallest of all, it is generally performed as an out-patient. An Urologist said he operates "approximately once a month, . . basically the average age group is around 17 to 27 years old" 9.


"Among a percentage of men" the frenulum is too short "so that on erection it tightens to its limit, and then can even rip. . . . a moment of great alarm follows for both participants at the resultant bleeding" 10. Such incidents are "not unusual"11 . Sometimes it rips on the first sexual encounter, often later, sometimes it rips partially, and sometimes twice. My research showed from three cases of ripping, that two had not informed their doctors, (it heals spontaneously). There is reason to believe that this is occurring at a far greater frequency than the medical profession realises.

General Notes
One woman described a man who was always soft inside her until ejaculation when it hurt him, he was aware that the frenulum caused this pain. One man who was aware of the frenulum being too tight, simply advised his girl-friends not to touch him there. It appears some of the men with this condition do have an awareness of it, problems being caused mostly by the lack of information about the possibility of an improvement.
When the frenulum breve is combined with a partial phimosis, this can lead to further complications. Some of these partial degrees of phimosis are impossible to check for when flaccid, this is the conclusive reason for the frenulum also being checked and treated before puberty.

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