Scarring as a result of phimosis poorly corrected?
I am an adult male who has a scarred penis, and I am not certain what
caused the problem. I am guessing that I had phimosis as a young child
that was crudely delt with by surgery. My penis looks like an orange
that was crudely pealed about 3/4 of the way down from the top leaving
a jagged edge much like the remaining peal on an orange. I have never
had an opportunity to speak with anyone who has experienced such scarring.
As a child my foreskin hung down over the scarred area. As an ault
it has now retracted all the way back and leaves the scarred area exposed.
As well, as a teenager a urologist crudely enlarged my meatus leaving
me subincised from the tip to the foreskin on the underside. In both
cases I feel mutilated and would like to know if other men have experienced
such mutilation and how they have dealth with it.
Very sorry to hear of your experience, yes there are many others
who have suffered at the hands of inexpert doctors chopping around
on their penis at a young age ... ... , Now, my site , and my theme
is to do with anatomical difficulties and the need to cure them appropriately,
I`m not such an expert on treatment itself, I feel once the medical
profession is aware of its importance then well really thats their
job ... in the meantime, there is a large group of people like you
who were badly operated in the anti-circ. groups in the USA, .... its
true some of these men are fanatics, but the most of them are OK guys,
... I dont know the exact address of the anti-circ. mailing list ...
sorry - but it cant be too hard to find, - write a note to
"Geoffrey T. Falk"
good luck