This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.


frenulum breve
How old are you? . . . Age:22
When did your puberty begin . . . Age:13
When did you first notice pain or difficulty or tension - :slightly after
when did you realise this wasn't normal - when it first ripped

Has the condition been corrected? . . No
Have you ever had any wet dreams?Yes
before the operation: did anyone else ever masturbate you? . . No

I'm a 22 years'old French guy and I would like to thank you for yor web pages which have been of great information for me.

I have had sexual intercourse with my girl-friend for the past 3 years and have experienced a series of problems to which I hardly found any help.

I have had other sexual experiences before I met my present girlfriend - I had not encountered problems.

Now that I have read all your materials, I now remember and recognize the symptoms of a frenulum breve: when I was masturbating as a teen, it was tight and if I pulled too much (maybe not too much for a normal man) my foreskin back, my glan would bend downward. My frenulum was always very tight but I considered it normal having nothing to compare with. Masturbating was a mix of thrill and slight pain, which I started to accentuate over the years : pleasure and pain, satisfaction and remorse/cupability - sometimes feeling that my penis was going to "break", to bleed as a punition for masturbating. I think I got used to it and it always remained easy to control pain as I was masturbating.

Penetration was a bit more complicated. I started to have regular, close-in-time sexual intercourse with my girlfriend... and maybe after one month my frenulum ripped during penetration...I was very ashamed and try to hide it...she noticed of course, the bed being full of blood...Going to a doctor never crossed my mind: first I thought I could never take down my pants in front of one, and I also thought that the only solution would be circumcision, which I did not want and was afraid of (it is still the case as I fear being mutilated). So I let cicatrisation go its way and after a few days of pains, it healed...My frenulum had lost a part of itself and it then looked as if it had been chopped. Some parts of skin were loose. I started to have sex again and it ripped again, this time maybe even more. The scenario repeated itself. It healed and my frenulum had got smaller. 3 or 4 months later it occured again.

A month after my third ripping I had a problem with the ring of my foreskin. It had lost elasticity and retracting the foreskin was getting painful even when flacid. I took the decision to go and see a doctor. I did not speak about my frenulum ripping because I thought I would look idiot not to have seen a doctor well before. He examined me and did not notice anything about my frenulum.What I feared to be a phimosis was a problem of mycosia which healed quickly thanks to some medicine.

I started asking questions myself about the ripping of my foreskin: maybe it was normal to rip this part of your penis (like the hymen for a women), that it should have occured well before and it was the proof of my lack of sexual experience. I thought for a time that I had not been told about something.

Today, when retracted, flacid or in erection, the lower part of what used to be the frenulum has disappeared (accros the three different rippings), then I have a tiny bit of skin which is still very tight. If retracted to the extreme when flacid , the glan still bends downward and it hurts.

I think I have get used to it whith time going by. I recently moved town and went to a new doctor for a cold. I felt at ease with him and told him that I had experienced a frenulum ripping. He told me it was normal and that it occured often, and that if it has healed then it is OK. He did not offer to take a look.

4 days ago, my frenulum ripped again, very slightly in fact because there is not much to rip, but still it has ripped. This is why I started to look for info. The only things I have found are your pages and pages from the dpt of sexology of the University of Montreal, Canada. Their position is that if it occurs and then heals, no need to see a doctor, nothing to worry about. I appreciate your position, because you take frenulum problems seriously, not like if it was a simple detail in any guy sexual life.

After reading your pages, I feel I was never informed about the condition and never properly examined by doctors I have met during my schooling. The years going by, I got used to the condition but I am now sure that this discomfort prevents me from an optimal sex life. Following the steps of your self-diagnosis (and following recent events), I think suffer from a form of frenulum breve which despite what it is said does not heal thanks to natural ripping. My frenulum, even after 4 rippings ( and truly speaking four mini traumas), is today still too tight.

Thanks again for your work which has helped me to reconsider my condition and at last to be convinced that if I am obsessed by my genitals, I have a reason for this.