Relative or Partial Phimosis - showing white ring
From what i can gather, I have phimosis, for as long as i can remember I have not been able to retract my foreskin, for 20 years this was not a problem becuase I didn't know i should be able to. About a year ago I went to the doctor about it and we both decided that it was my frenulm, I had a operation to cut the frenulm which helped a small amount. I can now retract my foreskin fully when not erect, yet when erect, I cannot. Depending on how erect my penis is, I can retract the foreskin almost fully when I am just over semi erect, however i would not want to. The main problem is that when fully erect, I can uncomfortably retract the foreskin over the head of my penis, but no further, if I continually try I start to loose my erection and then it starts to retract as I said before.