This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.
(Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.


Paraphimosis (when the phimotic ring gets trapped behind the glans causing the glans to swell up) can be dangerous and is actually considered a medical emergency.

"I learned that if the skin wouldn't come forward, the thing to do was not to panic, but to slowly squeeze my glans and press the blood out of it till it got small enough for the tight bit of the skin to go over the rim. I just pressed it (the glans) gently with the fingers and thumbs of both hands, and the blood was slowly squeezed out. I'm sure any similar method would work." (e.mail extract from Peter S.)

Manually squeezing the glans with a relaxed attitude in most cases will subside the swelling. If after a couple of hours of trying with ample relaxed pauses - then it will be necessary to get help at the local emergency department.

In hospital, paraphimosis will often be treated with a quick unnecessary circumcision. Though some form of treatment is necessary, a minimal dorsal slit is all that is necessary and will always cure this condition.

I would always advise a small dorsal slit through the phimotic ring as soon as possible in a child, because the condition tends to recur. Afterwards, if necessary, further steps could be considered in all calm and composure.

J. Chandler Williams MD. MS., et al "Paraphimosis in Elderly Men" (American Journal of Emergency Medicine Volume 13 Number 3, May 1995, p. 351-353)
"Treatment of paraphimosis is directed at relieving vascular obstruction by reducing the foreskin or releasing the offending tissue ring. Simple reduction of paraphimosis can usually be accomplished by firmly squeezing (compressing) the glans for 5 minutes to reduce the tissue edema and decrease the size of the glans. The skin can then be drawn forward over the glans. The compression of the edematous glans may be facilitated by slowly and tightly wrapping it with 2 x 2 inch Kerlex bandage. This "turban" technique provides equal pressure around the glans and usually speeds up the process of reduction."

There are at least 50 references to paraphimosis in private letters, medical and anthropological texts - please search for more information