(Collected in old school style - (hand made) - from an old fashioned book)
I tried to locate all of these studies - previous to 1960 it is very difficult
I exhausted all the resources in Germany - all the studies I found are marked §have
1920 to 67
Search words: circumcision - phimosis - penis - fren
1967 in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Botticelli A. et al
contribution to the knowledge of congenital phimosis (morphological and histochemical observations) vecchi. Anat. Pat. 46:343-65, Nov’65 (It) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
control of phimosis
Lakartidningen 62:2902, 15 Sep’65 (Sw) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Morrison J.
the origins of the practices of circumcision and subincision among the Australian aborigines
Med. J. Aust 1:125-7, Aug’66 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1966 in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cansever G.
psychological effects of circumcision
Brit. J. Med. Psychol. 38:321-31, Dec’65 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kleeman J.A.
a boy discovers his penis
Psychoanal. stud. child 20:239-66, 1965 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Salesses A. et al
histological study of the individualization of the prepuce in man
Arch. Anat. Path. (Paris) 13:114-8, Jun’65 (Fr)
1965 in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Swaab L.
can phimosis with a long prepuce cause sterility? (the condom effect)
Nederl. T. Geneesk 108:1891-26 Sep 64 (Dut) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Marcinkowski T.
the problem of procreative capacity in Phimosis
Z. Aerztl. Fortbild. (Jena) 58:819-20 15 Jul’64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ganière P.
did Lous XVI have recourse to the lancet?
Presse. med. 72:3401-6, 25 Dec 64 (Fr) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quénu L.
problems posed in the adult by peno-urethral malformations (stenosis of the meatus, phimosis, paraphimosis, hypospadias)
Le progres medical (Paris) 92:707-15, 10 Nov’64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1965 in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Straub O.C.
preparation of teaser bulls by panactomy
Brit. Med. J. 5455:212, 24, Jul 65 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Karlström F
should preputial adhesions be treated shortly after birth? A reply
Svensk Lakartidn 6:2722-35, 16 Sep 64 (Sw) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Svensk Lakartidn 61:3152-4, 14 Oct 64 (Sw)
(circumcision) Lagercrantz R.
Svensk Lakartidn 61:3151, 14 0ct 64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gelbke H.
sexual Problems in penile abnormalities
Z.Haut geschlechtskr. 38:293-311, I May 65 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1964in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sulamaa M.
visible urogenital malformations
Suom Laak 19:673-5, 20 Mar '64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mokhort V.A.
complications of phimosis
Zdravookhr. Beloruss. 9:67-8, Nov '63 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carroll E.J. et al.
persistent penile frenulum in bulls
Israel Med.J. 22:117-24 Mar-Apr63 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1960 in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
F. Saitmacher
sozialhygienische betrachtung zu einer routinemässigen zirkumzision männlicher säuglinge"
Das Deutsche Gesundheitswesen Jahrgang 15 Heft 23 Pages 1217-1220
(1960) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mackinney C C Uhle CA
congenital chordee without hypospadias
J.Urol. 84:343-4, Aug 60 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1959 in Cumulative Index
Fairgrieve J. Parker RA
acquired phimosis in the elderly caused by LSA
Br.J.of Urology (London) 31(1) Mar 59 p.74-7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Grewel F.
the frenum praeputii and the defloration of the human male
Folia Psychiatrica, Neurologica et Neurochirurgica Neerlandica 61(2)1958 p.123-6, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1958 in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wencelbalt S. Pastrana H.
circuncisión y regresión prenatal.
revista de*Rev. psicoanál., B. Air. 13(4) Oct-Dec 56 p. 424-9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dreyer P.
über Vorhautverwachsung im Säuglingsalter
Ther. gegenwart 96(9) Sept 57 p.348-9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bird B.
a study of the bisexual meaning of the foreskin
J Am. Psychoanal. Ass. 6(2) Apr. 58 p 287-304 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eufinger H.
kleine Chirurgie des äusseren männlichen Genitale. Phimose, verkurztes frenulum, paraphimose, balanitis
Med. Klin. Berl. 53(1) 3 Jan 58 p 17-19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1957 in Cumulative Index
Dr.Carl Graf Haller
in der nachbehandlung der phimoseoperationen
27 Zeitschrift
für Urologie Heft 7 p.385-387 (1957)
Glenister TW
a consideration of the processes involved in the development of the prepuce in man
Brit J Urol. 28(3) Sept56 p243-9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brity G.
vorhautverengung, vorhauteinschnürung und vorhautverklebung bei Kindern
Deut. Gesundhives. 12(19) 9 May 57 p.595-6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nagel V.
vorhautverengung, vorhauteinschnürung und vorhautverklebung bei Kindern
Deutsche Gesundheitswesen Berlin 11(30) 26 July 56 p1023-4
vorhautverengung, vorhauteinschnürung und vorhautverklebung bei Kindern
beitrag zum gleichnamigen Artikel von Dr. V. Nagel in Heft 30 xi Jahrgang dieser Zeitschrift p.1529 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WR Wilson
Brit. M.J. 1:1279, Jun 2, '56 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1955 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
X Soubigou
phimosis histopathologic study
Rev méd. nav. 9:103-107, '54 F --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1954 in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
psychologic aspects
Nederl. tijdschr. geneesk 98:2800-2818 Oct 2 '54 (Du) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J Davis + R J Flores-Belaunde
frenum of prepuce; "Z" shaped plastic surgery
Rev.argent.urol 23:144-145 Mar-Ap 54 S --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
H Hermann and G Stüttgen
histogenisis of atrophic processes in phimotic prepuce of man
Arch.Derat. u.Syph. 198:601-618.54 G --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R Conard
side lights
Ohip.M.J. 50:770-773 Aug 54 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1953 in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
P E Carrai
phimosis or balanopreputial adhesions
Riv. clin. pediat. 50:772-773, Nov 52 I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1951in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 S Culp
early correction of congenital chordee and hypospadias
J. Urol 65:264-278, Feb.'51 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C. D. Daly
circumcision psycho-biologic origins
Internat J. Psycho-analysis 31:217-236, '50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
History circumcision
origins and significance of Jewish rite
Psychoanalyt. Rev. 38:103-112, Apr. '5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
H Apfel
ritual circumcision
Arch. Pediat. 68:427-430, Sept. '51 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J A Millispaugh
circumcision in adult
US Armed Forces M J 1:1035-1035, Sept. '50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
circumcision rites and rights,
Med.Hosp. 74:73-74, Feb'50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
circumcision history
J. Michigan M.Soc. 49:573-574;578, May'50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
phimosis therapy
Kinderärztl. Praxis 18:8-13 Jan-Feb.'50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1949 in Cumulative Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hypospadias: Method to improve chordee effect
J.Urol. 61:1052, June'49
Douglas Gairdner, D.M., M.R.C.P.
The Fate of the Foreskin, A Study
of Circumcision
British Medical Journal 1949, Dec. 24, 1949, vol 2, pages
1948 in Cumulative Index
circumcision and problems of bisexuality
Intemat J. Psycho-Analysis 28:145-179 '47
circumcision of adult
Brit.J.Urol. 20:17-18 March '48
H.Y.Chang and K.S.Ting
type of prepuce and distribution of pubic hair in Chinese
Chinese M.J. (chengtu Ed.) 63A:193-195 July'45
R Brucher
various causes for pain,
Union méd du Canada 76:1098-1101, Sept'47
H.M.Spence and S.S.Baird
penis abnormalities in childhood as seen by a urologist
Texas State J. Med 43:364-371,Oct'47
phimosis complications balanoposthitis,
Minerva Med. 2:445-446 Nov, '42
paraphimosis 2:472-473 Nov 17 '42
therapy of shortness of frenum
Prensa méd argent. 32:2539-2540 Dec.21,'45
phimosis from flesh fly, Wohlfahrtia vigil,
Canad M.A.J. 54:52 Jan '46
O Schneider
significance of too long or narrow prepuce (phimosis) for tropics: cosmetic operation for its correction 76:224-225, March 16, '46
1945 in Cumulative Index
circumcision ceremonials (in central africa)
St. Barth Hosp J. 49:108-111 Sept. '45
phimosis frequency among recruits and public school children; contribution to discussion on sex education in schools (Hygiea) 21:388-390, Feb.25 '44
1944 in Cumulative Index
Ritual circumcision
urol and Cutan Rev. 47:679-681, Dec '43
J.Picazo Guillén
Medicina, Madrid (pt.II) 11:470-476, Dec '43
A. Carbonell Salazar
phimosis in Childhood
Pediat. Americas 1:331-335, June '43
L. M. Delgado C.
Pediat Americas l :639-640 Oct '43
W.A.Schonfeld and G.W.Beebe
penis normal growth and variation from birth to maturity
J.Urol 48:759-777 Dec '42
psychology of circumcision
Urol and Cutan. Rev. 46:768-770, Dec '42
R Cretton
phimosis in origin of urethral lithiasis with report of case
Med. cir. pharm. pp35-39 Jan'42
1941 in Cumulative Index
ritual circumcision in Southern Tanganyika
East Africa M.J. 18:81-89, Jun '41
nonsurgical therapy of congenital phmiosis
Rinasc. med. 18:266-269, May 15, '41
A Scarpa
glans protector used by Zulus 4:285-287 Jul-Sept. '40
K.Higuti and K.Boku
specific aquired phimosis in Korean children
Hihu-to-Hitunyo. Anstr. Sect. 8:24, June '40
genital and sphincter behavior of male infant
J Genet Psychol. 56:95-136, March '40
H.Conn, and L.Kanner
spontaneous erections in early childhood
J. Pediat, (St. Louis) 16:337-340 March '40
question of necessity of treating umbilical hernia and phimosis in infancy
Med.Klin 35:1571-1572 Dec 8 '59
1939 in Cumulative Index
preputial adhesions in circumcised penis
Arch.Pediat. 56:458-459 May '39
M Lavergne
circumcision uselessness, method of therapy of phimosis
Nourrisson 27:280-285, Sept '39
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gregorio, Blasio and A.Hijar
chronic inflammatory balanitis of atrophic and sclerotic form: rôle of phimosis; case syph. 10:588-610 July'39
circ. histoiy
Ann.H Hist. 1:68-73. Jan '39
phimosis and natural pseudophimosis
Kinderärztl. Praxis 9:516-517, Dec '38
disturbances of genital function
Med.Klin. 35:107-110 Jan.27 '39
1938 in Cumulative Index
ethnographic considerations (la circoncision; Psychologie collective)
Hyg.ment. 33:73-85 May'38
male circ. among Ameru
East African M.J. 15:53-54, May 38
1937 in Cumulative Index
queries on native circ.
East African M J. 13:378-381, March '37
E.G.Ballenger, O.F.Elder and H.P.McDonald
phimosis and paraphimosis; circ.; dorsal slit; constriction of the male meatus
Am.J.Surg. 36:174-177 April '37
O.J.Marchilli and J.F.Capelli
manifestations of sexual excitation probably due to phimosis in infant 13 months old
Semana méd. 1:140-141 ,'37
1936 in Cumulative Index
J.Egyptian M.A. 19:133-136, March'36
methods in philippines
Philippine J.Sc. 58:513-517 Dec '35
1935 in Cumulative Index
C.S.Tao and D.T.Shu
prepuce of healthy Chinese
Far East A.Trop.Med., Tr.Ninth Cong. 2:853-854 '34
value formation in prepuce and its surgical therapy; study of indications of phimosis in children
Zentralbi. f. Chir. 62:2290-2295, Sept. 28 '35
phimosis and its sequels
Schweiz. med.Wchnschr. 65:246 Mar 9'35
1934 in Cumulative Index
P Paladini
disorders affecting prepuce, frenum and glans penis; prevention and therapy in infants
Lattante 4:589-593, Dec 33
phimosis and pseudophimosis in children
Nederl.tijdschr.v.geneesk. 77:5483-5493 Dec 9 '33
episode in history of routine circumcision
Tr.Roy.Med.- Chir.Soc.Glasgow, pp 140-144,145 1933-1934; in Glasgow M J July; Äug '34
H.Gougerot, Degos and S Roulle
scleroderma of preputial ring; 2 cases
Bull. Soc. franç.de dermat. et syph. 41:897-899 June '34
F Dietel
phimosis pathology
Med.Klin. 30:1265-1266 Sept.21 '34
1933 in Cumulative Index
D Scialom
tunisie méd 27:131-135, March '33
Separation of prepuce in human penis
Anat.Rec. 57:387-399, Nov 25 '33
erection as premortal symptom
Arch.f.Gesch.d.Med. 26:200 '33
1931 in Cumulative Index
origins and reasons for ritual circumcision
Riv.di storia d. sc. med. exnat. 22:215-234, July-Aug '31
Phimosis and circumcision
Brit.M.J. 2:14-15 July 4, '31
circumcision in ancient Egypt 12:149-156 Oct-Nov '30
circumcision in Belgian Congo
Anthropos. 25:851-858 Sept-Dec 30
28:120;192; '24
29:71;113; '25
31:183;227; '27
32:155;187;279;338;378 ;'28
34:241;279; '30
P Børresen
widespread congenital abnomiality in greenlanders
Ugesk.f.laeger 92: 1227, Dec.25 '30
R Barthélemy
nonveneral, diabetic phimosis; case,
Hôpital 18:786 Dec (B) '30
1930 in Cumulative Index
ceremonial circumcision
New England J Med. 203:835-837, Oct 23 '30
importance of circumcision in patients with long foresin
Prat.méd.franç. 11:386-390 Äug (A-B) '30
surgical treatment of epilepsy with report of case (improved after circumcision)
China M.J. 44:1109-1113, Nov '30
E W Hirsch
relation of os penis of mammals to bone formation in human penis
Urol and Cutan. Rev. 34:453-455, July '30
J.M.A. South Africa 4:593-597 Oct 11, '30
acute infections, peri-urethral accidents due to phimosis
J.d'urol 29:510-512 May'30
end result of operation for connective tissue organisation of physiologic adhesions between prepuce and glans: case
Dermat. Wchnschr. 91: 1379-1381 Sept. 13, '30
K. Ochsenius
phimosis - indications for treatment in infants
Munchen med.Wchnschr. 76:2011-2012, Nov 29 '29
comment: from Barabás 77: 187 Jan 31, '30
reply by Ochsenius 77:404 March 7, '30
G Scherber
phimosis and paraphimosis
Handb. d. Haut u.Geschlechtskr. 21:214-264, '27
Klin. Wchnschr. 7:1828-1830 Sept 16, '28
1929 in Cumulative Index
circumcisionas practice by the Ba-Khaha of Northern Transvaal
J.Roy-Anthrop-lnst. Great Br. and Ireland 59:131-147 Jan-June '29
circumcision; history; indications; technic
Bruxelles-méd 9:954-960, June 23, '29
hydrocele and physiologic phimosis in newly bom
Bratsl. lekár. listy 9:544-551 Äug '29
stricture of male urethra following phimosis and complicated by supporative periurethritis
Bull. Soc. franç. d'urol. 8:143-145 April 15 '29
1928 in Cumulative Index
D Schapiro
history of peritomy
Janus 32:155, May'28
penis, anatomy and histology, comparative study in primates, man included
Ztschr.f.d.ges.Anat. (Abt.l) 86:71-119, June 14, '28
rate of cell division in prepuce; influence of various factors on cell division
Anat. Rec. 40:1-13, Sept. 25, '28
circumcision in tribes of Madagascar
Anthropos. 22:747-764 Sept-Dec. '27
os penis as differential characteristic of Canis Lupus and Canis Familiaris
Anat Anz. 64:437-440 Feb 8 '28
1927 in Cumulative Index
C.P.Holdredge and K.Young
circumcision rites among the Bajok
Am. Anthrop. 29:661-669, Oct-Dec '27
subincision and kindred rites of Australian aboriginal
J Roy. Anthrop Inst Gr.Br. and Ireland 57:123-156, Jan-June '27
impotence from schlerosis
Gazz.d.osp. 48:28-33, Jan 9, '27
alternative to circumcision in phimosis
Brit.M. J. l :187, Jan 29 '27
P.Fernat and G.Solente
from lichen planus
Bull. Soc franç de dermat. et syph. 33:619-621, Nov. '26
radical cure; two flap method; four flap method
J.d'urol 22:306-309, Oct. '26
1926 in Cumulative Index
Zur geschichte der Circumcision
Janus, Leyde, 1926 xxx, 86; 152
1925 in Cumulative Index
A.Buschke and M.Gumpert
Die Papillen an der Corona glandis in vergleichend anatomischer und ethnologischer Bezeihung
Arch.f.Frauenk., Leipz., 1925, xi 43-45
1924 in Cumulative Index
J.Verne and J.Turchini
Sur l'histo-gènése de l'appareil vasculaire érectile dans le corps caverneux de quelques mammifères la France et de la Belgique Par„ 1923, lvii, 159-173, 1pl.
Ueber Kongenitale Phimose
München, med. Wchnschr., 1923, lxx, 983
indications and contra indications for circumcision in children
Boston M.and S.J., 1924 cxc, 628-630
Anatomische Untersuchungen über den menschlichen Penis; über sein Wachstum und seine Alterserscheinungen
Ztschr.f.urol. Chir., Berl., 1924, xv, 163-187
Melkoman (Léon)
Le phimosis et ses accidents pseudo-coxalgiques
Genève,1923,16p.,8' *No.944
1923 22 and 21 only some anthropological studies
INDEX Search words: phimosis and penis abnomialities
1920 in Cumulative Index
Kazda F.
eine medifikation der Schlofferschen operations methode für eine häufige form der phimose
Wien.Klin.Wchnschr., 1920 xxxii 657
Veyrassat J.
les pseudo-coxalgies et le phimosis
Lyon.chirurg., 1919, xvi, 513-518
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