This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.

(Collected in old school style - (hand made) - from an old fashioned book)
I tried to locate all of these studies - previous to 1960 it is very difficult
I exhausted all the resources in Germany - all the studies I found are marked §have

1920 to 67
Search words: circumcision - phimosis - penis - fren

1967 in Cumulative Index
Botticelli A. et al
contribution to the knowledge of congenital phimosis (morphological and histochemical observations) vecchi. Anat. Pat. 46:343-65, Nov’65 (It)
control of phimosis
Lakartidningen 62:2902, 15 Sep’65 (Sw)
Morrison J.
the origins of the practices of circumcision and subincision among the Australian aborigines
Med. J. Aust 1:125-7, Aug’66
1966 in Cumulative Index
Cansever G.
psychological effects of circumcision
Brit. J. Med. Psychol. 38:321-31, Dec’65
Kleeman J.A.
a boy discovers his penis
Psychoanal. stud. child 20:239-66, 1965
Salesses A. et al
histological study of the individualization of the prepuce in man
Arch. Anat. Path. (Paris) 13:114-8, Jun’65 (Fr)
1965 in Cumulative Index
Swaab L.
can phimosis with a long prepuce cause sterility? (the condom effect)
Nederl. T. Geneesk 108:1891-26 Sep 64 (Dut)
Marcinkowski T.
the problem of procreative capacity in Phimosis
Z. Aerztl. Fortbild. (Jena) 58:819-20 15 Jul’64
Ganière P.
did Lous XVI have recourse to the lancet?
Presse. med. 72:3401-6, 25 Dec 64 (Fr)
Quénu L.
problems posed in the adult by peno-urethral malformations (stenosis of the meatus, phimosis, paraphimosis, hypospadias)
Le progres medical (Paris) 92:707-15, 10 Nov’64
1965 in Cumulative Index
Straub O.C.
preparation of teaser bulls by panactomy
Brit. Med. J. 5455:212, 24,  Jul 65
Karlström F
should preputial adhesions be treated shortly after birth? A reply
Svensk Lakartidn 6:2722-35, 16 Sep 64 (Sw)
Svensk Lakartidn 61:3152-4, 14 Oct 64 (Sw)
(circumcision) Lagercrantz R.   
Svensk Lakartidn 61:3151, 14 0ct 64
Gelbke H.
sexual Problems in penile abnormalities  
Z.Haut geschlechtskr. 38:293-311,  I May 65 
1964in Cumulative Index
Sulamaa M.
visible urogenital malformations
Suom Laak 19:673-5, 20 Mar '64
Mokhort V.A.
complications of phimosis
Zdravookhr. Beloruss.  9:67-8, Nov '63
Carroll E.J. et al.
persistent penile frenulum in bulls
Israel Med.J. 22:117-24 Mar-Apr63
1960 in Cumulative Index
F. Saitmacher
sozialhygienische betrachtung zu einer routinemässigen zirkumzision männlicher säuglinge"
Das Deutsche Gesundheitswesen Jahrgang 15 Heft 23 Pages 1217-1220 (1960)
Mackinney C C Uhle CA              
congenital chordee without hypospadias
J.Urol. 84:343-4, Aug 60
1959 in Cumulative Index
Fairgrieve J. Parker RA
acquired phimosis in the elderly caused by LSA
Br.J.of Urology (London) 31(1) Mar 59 p.74-7
Grewel F.
the frenum praeputii and the defloration of the human male
Folia Psychiatrica, Neurologica et Neurochirurgica Neerlandica 61(2)1958 p.123-6,
1958 in Cumulative Index  
Wencelbalt S. Pastrana H.
circuncisión y regresión prenatal.
revista de*Rev. psicoanál., B. Air. 13(4) Oct-Dec 56 p. 424-9
Dreyer P.
über Vorhautverwachsung im Säuglingsalter
Ther. gegenwart 96(9) Sept 57 p.348-9
Bird B.
a study of the bisexual meaning of the foreskin
J Am. Psychoanal. Ass. 6(2) Apr. 58 p 287-304
Eufinger H.
kleine Chirurgie des äusseren männlichen Genitale. Phimose, verkurztes frenulum, paraphimose, balanitis
Med. Klin. Berl. 53(1) 3 Jan 58 p 17-19 
1957 in Cumulative Index
Dr.Carl Graf Haller
hydrokortisonsalbe in der nachbehandlung der phimoseoperationen
27 Zeitschrift für Urologie Heft 7 p.385-387 (1957)
Glenister TW
a consideration of the processes involved in the development of the prepuce in man
Brit J Urol. 28(3) Sept56 p243-9 
Brity G.
vorhautverengung, vorhauteinschnürung und vorhautverklebung bei Kindern
Deut. Gesundhives. 12(19) 9 May 57 p.595-6
Nagel V.
vorhautverengung, vorhauteinschnürung und vorhautverklebung bei Kindern
Deutsche Gesundheitswesen Berlin  11(30) 26 July 56 p1023-4

vorhautverengung, vorhauteinschnürung und vorhautverklebung bei Kindern
beitrag zum gleichnamigen Artikel von Dr. V. Nagel in Heft 30 xi Jahrgang dieser Zeitschrift p.1529
1956 in Cumulative Index
WR Wilson
Brit. M.J. 1:1279, Jun 2, '56
X Soubigou
phimosis histopathologic study
Rev méd. nav. 9:103-107, '54 F
1954 in Cumulative Index
psychologic aspects
Nederl. tijdschr. geneesk 98:2800-2818 Oct 2 '54 (Du)
J Davis + R J Flores-Belaunde
frenum of prepuce; "Z" shaped plastic surgery
Rev.argent.urol 23:144-145 Mar-Ap 54 S
H Hermann and G Stüttgen  
histogenisis of atrophic processes in phimotic prepuce of man
Arch.Derat. u.Syph. 198:601-618.54 G  
R Conard
side lights
Ohip.M.J. 50:770-773 Aug 54
1953 in Cumulative Index
P E Carrai
phimosis or balanopreputial adhesions
Riv. clin. pediat. 50:772-773, Nov 52 I
1951in Cumulative Index
0 S Culp
early correction of congenital chordee and hypospadias
J. Urol 65:264-278, Feb.'51
C. D. Daly
circumcision psycho-biologic origins
Internat J. Psycho-analysis 31:217-236, '50
History circumcision
origins and significance of Jewish rite
Psychoanalyt. Rev. 38:103-112, Apr. '5
H Apfel
ritual circumcision
Arch. Pediat. 68:427-430, Sept. '51
J A Millispaugh
circumcision in adult
US Armed Forces M J 1:1035-1035, Sept. '50
circumcision rites and rights,
Med.Hosp. 74:73-74, Feb'50
circumcision history
J. Michigan M.Soc. 49:573-574;578, May'50
phimosis therapy
Kinderärztl. Praxis 18:8-13 Jan-Feb.'50
1949 in Cumulative Index
Hypospadias: Method to improve chordee effect
J.Urol. 61:1052, June'49
Douglas Gairdner, D.M., M.R.C.P.
The Fate of the Foreskin, A Study of Circumcision
British Medical Journal 1949, Dec. 24, 1949, vol 2, pages 1433-1437
1948 in Cumulative Index
circumcision and problems of bisexuality
Intemat J. Psycho-Analysis 28:145-179 '47
circumcision of adult
Brit.J.Urol. 20:17-18 March '48
H.Y.Chang and K.S.Ting
type of prepuce and distribution of pubic hair in Chinese
Chinese M.J. (chengtu Ed.) 63A:193-195 July'45
R Brucher
various causes for pain,
Union méd du Canada 76:1098-1101, Sept'47
H.M.Spence and S.S.Baird
penis abnormalities in childhood as seen by a urologist
Texas State J. Med 43:364-371,Oct'47
phimosis complications balanoposthitis,
Minerva Med. 2:445-446 Nov, '42
paraphimosis 2:472-473 Nov 17 '42
therapy of shortness of frenum
Prensa méd argent. 32:2539-2540 Dec.21,'45
phimosis from flesh fly, Wohlfahrtia vigil,
Canad M.A.J. 54:52 Jan '46
O Schneider
significance of too long or narrow prepuce (phimosis) for tropics: cosmetic operation for its correction 76:224-225, March 16, '46
1945 in Cumulative Index
circumcision ceremonials (in central africa)
St. Barth Hosp J. 49:108-111 Sept. '45
phimosis frequency among recruits and public school children; contribution to discussion on sex education in schools (Hygiea) 21:388-390, Feb.25 '44
1944 in Cumulative Index
Ritual circumcision
urol and Cutan Rev. 47:679-681, Dec '43
J.Picazo Guillén
Medicina, Madrid (pt.II) 11:470-476, Dec '43
A. Carbonell Salazar
phimosis in Childhood
Pediat. Americas 1:331-335, June '43
L. M. Delgado C.
Pediat Americas l :639-640 Oct '43
W.A.Schonfeld and G.W.Beebe
penis normal growth and variation from birth to maturity
J.Urol 48:759-777 Dec '42
psychology of circumcision
Urol and Cutan. Rev. 46:768-770, Dec '42
R Cretton
phimosis in origin of urethral lithiasis with report of case
Med. cir. pharm. pp35-39 Jan'42
1941 in Cumulative Index
ritual circumcision in Southern Tanganyika
East Africa M.J. 18:81-89, Jun '41
nonsurgical therapy of congenital phmiosis
Rinasc. med. 18:266-269, May 15, '41
A Scarpa
glans protector used by Zulus 4:285-287 Jul-Sept. '40
K.Higuti and K.Boku
specific aquired phimosis in Korean children
Hihu-to-Hitunyo. Anstr. Sect. 8:24, June '40
genital and sphincter behavior of male infant
J Genet Psychol. 56:95-136, March '40
H.Conn, and L.Kanner
spontaneous erections in early childhood
J. Pediat, (St. Louis) 16:337-340 March '40
question of necessity of treating umbilical hernia and phimosis in infancy
Med.Klin 35:1571-1572 Dec 8 '59
1939 in Cumulative Index
preputial adhesions in circumcised penis
Arch.Pediat. 56:458-459 May '39
M Lavergne
circumcision uselessness, method of therapy of phimosis
Nourrisson 27:280-285, Sept '39
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gregorio, Blasio and A.Hijar
chronic inflammatory balanitis of atrophic and sclerotic form: rôle of phimosis; case syph. 10:588-610 July'39
circ. histoiy
Ann.H Hist. 1:68-73. Jan '39
phimosis and natural pseudophimosis
Kinderärztl. Praxis 9:516-517, Dec '38
disturbances of genital function
Med.Klin. 35:107-110 Jan.27 '39
1938 in Cumulative Index
ethnographic considerations (la circoncision; Psychologie collective)
Hyg.ment. 33:73-85 May'38    
male circ. among Ameru
East African M.J. 15:53-54, May 38
1937 in Cumulative Index
queries on native circ.
East African M J. 13:378-381, March '37
E.G.Ballenger, O.F.Elder and H.P.McDonald
phimosis and paraphimosis; circ.; dorsal slit; constriction of the male meatus
Am.J.Surg. 36:174-177 April '37
O.J.Marchilli and J.F.Capelli
manifestations of sexual excitation probably due to phimosis in infant 13 months old
Semana méd. 1:140-141 ,'37
1936 in Cumulative Index
J.Egyptian M.A. 19:133-136, March'36
methods in philippines
Philippine J.Sc. 58:513-517 Dec '35
1935 in Cumulative Index
C.S.Tao and D.T.Shu
prepuce of healthy Chinese
Far East A.Trop.Med., Tr.Ninth Cong. 2:853-854 '34
value formation in prepuce and its surgical therapy; study of indications of phimosis in children
Zentralbi. f. Chir. 62:2290-2295, Sept. 28 '35
phimosis and its sequels
Schweiz. med.Wchnschr. 65:246 Mar 9'35
1934 in Cumulative Index
P Paladini
disorders affecting prepuce, frenum and glans penis; prevention and therapy in infants
Lattante 4:589-593, Dec 33
phimosis  and pseudophimosis in children
Nederl.tijdschr.v.geneesk. 77:5483-5493 Dec 9 '33
episode in history of routine circumcision
Tr.Roy.Med.- Chir.Soc.Glasgow, pp 140-144,145 1933-1934; in Glasgow M J July; Äug '34
H.Gougerot, Degos and S Roulle
scleroderma of preputial ring; 2 cases
Bull. Soc. franç.de dermat. et syph. 41:897-899 June '34
F Dietel
phimosis pathology
Med.Klin. 30:1265-1266 Sept.21 '34
1933 in Cumulative Index
D Scialom
tunisie méd 27:131-135, March '33
Separation of prepuce in human penis
Anat.Rec. 57:387-399, Nov 25 '33
erection as premortal symptom
Arch.f.Gesch.d.Med. 26:200 '33
1931 in Cumulative Index
origins and reasons for ritual circumcision
Riv.di storia d. sc. med. exnat. 22:215-234, July-Aug '31
Phimosis and circumcision
Brit.M.J. 2:14-15 July 4, '31
circumcision in ancient Egypt 12:149-156 Oct-Nov '30
circumcision in Belgian Congo
Anthropos. 25:851-858 Sept-Dec 30
28:120;192; '24
29:71;113; '25
31:183;227; '27
32:155;187;279;338;378 ;'28
34:241;279; '30
P Børresen
widespread congenital abnomiality in greenlanders
Ugesk.f.laeger 92: 1227, Dec.25 '30
R Barthélemy
nonveneral, diabetic phimosis; case,
Hôpital 18:786 Dec (B) '30
1930 in Cumulative Index
ceremonial circumcision
New England J Med. 203:835-837, Oct 23 '30
importance of circumcision in patients with long foresin
Prat.méd.franç. 11:386-390 Äug (A-B) '30
surgical treatment of epilepsy with report of case (improved after circumcision)
China M.J. 44:1109-1113, Nov '30
E W Hirsch
relation of os penis of mammals to bone formation in human penis
Urol and Cutan. Rev. 34:453-455, July '30
J.M.A. South Africa 4:593-597 Oct 11, '30
acute infections, peri-urethral accidents due to phimosis
J.d'urol 29:510-512 May'30  
end result of operation for connective tissue organisation of physiologic adhesions between prepuce and glans: case
Dermat. Wchnschr. 91: 1379-1381 Sept. 13, '30
K. Ochsenius
phimosis - indications for treatment in infants
Munchen med.Wchnschr.  76:2011-2012, Nov 29 '29
comment: from Barabás 77: 187 Jan 31, '30
reply by Ochsenius 77:404 March 7, '30
G Scherber
phimosis and paraphimosis
Handb. d. Haut u.Geschlechtskr. 21:214-264, '27
Klin. Wchnschr. 7:1828-1830 Sept 16, '28
1929 in Cumulative Index
circumcisionas practice by the Ba-Khaha of Northern Transvaal
J.Roy-Anthrop-lnst. Great Br. and Ireland 59:131-147 Jan-June '29
circumcision; history; indications; technic
Bruxelles-méd 9:954-960, June 23, '29
hydrocele and physiologic phimosis in newly bom
Bratsl. lekár. listy 9:544-551 Äug '29
stricture of male urethra following phimosis and complicated by supporative periurethritis
Bull. Soc. franç. d'urol. 8:143-145 April 15 '29
1928 in Cumulative Index
D Schapiro
history of peritomy
Janus 32:155, May'28
penis, anatomy and histology, comparative study in primates, man included 
Ztschr.f.d.ges.Anat. (Abt.l) 86:71-119, June 14, '28
rate of cell division in prepuce; influence of various factors on cell division
Anat. Rec. 40:1-13, Sept. 25, '28
circumcision in tribes of Madagascar
Anthropos. 22:747-764 Sept-Dec. '27
os penis as differential characteristic of Canis Lupus and Canis Familiaris
Anat Anz. 64:437-440 Feb 8 '28
1927 in Cumulative Index
C.P.Holdredge and K.Young
circumcision rites among the Bajok
Am. Anthrop. 29:661-669, Oct-Dec '27
subincision and kindred rites of Australian aboriginal
J Roy. Anthrop Inst Gr.Br. and Ireland 57:123-156, Jan-June '27
impotence from schlerosis
Gazz.d.osp. 48:28-33, Jan 9, '27
alternative to circumcision in phimosis
Brit.M. J. l :187, Jan 29 '27
P.Fernat and G.Solente
from lichen planus
Bull. Soc franç de dermat. et syph. 33:619-621, Nov. '26
radical cure; two flap method; four flap method
J.d'urol 22:306-309, Oct. '26
1926 in Cumulative Index
Zur geschichte der Circumcision
Janus, Leyde, 1926 xxx, 86; 152
1925 in Cumulative Index
A.Buschke and M.Gumpert
Die Papillen an der Corona glandis in vergleichend anatomischer und ethnologischer Bezeihung
Arch.f.Frauenk., Leipz., 1925, xi 43-45
1924 in Cumulative Index
J.Verne and J.Turchini
Sur l'histo-gènése de l'appareil vasculaire érectile dans le corps caverneux de quelques mammifères la France et de la Belgique Par„ 1923, lvii, 159-173, 1pl.
Ueber Kongenitale Phimose
München, med. Wchnschr., 1923, lxx, 983
indications and contra indications for circumcision in children
Boston M.and S.J., 1924 cxc, 628-630
Anatomische Untersuchungen über den menschlichen Penis; über sein Wachstum und seine Alterserscheinungen
Ztschr.f.urol. Chir., Berl., 1924, xv, 163-187 
Melkoman (Léon)
Le phimosis et ses accidents pseudo-coxalgiques
Genève,1923,16p.,8' *No.944
1923 22 and 21 only some anthropological studies
INDEX Search words: phimosis and penis abnomialities
1920 in Cumulative Index
Kazda F.
eine medifikation der Schlofferschen operations methode für eine häufige form der phimose
Wien.Klin.Wchnschr., 1920 xxxii 657
Veyrassat J.
les pseudo-coxalgies et le phimosis
Lyon.chirurg., 1919, xvi, 513-518