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Re: naive question

Written by Uncutman at 26 Feb 2006 17:02:43:

As an answer to: naive question written by Antonio at 24 Feb 2006 18:23:16:

>Hi Robin
>I'm Antonio and I'm 19 years old.I want to ask you a naive question for intercourse,is there a possibility that the frenulum is ripped off?Is this the rule or the exception?
>Also i want to ask you another thing:my foreskin is easily retracted freely when flaccid but not at all when erected,unless i do it with my own hands.So, is it a problem or it is going to be resolved after the rip of the first intercourse?

Dear Antonio.

For your problem the best solution is the frenulasty.I'm without the frenulum since ten years ago. In erection, the foreskin is all retracted, and in coital penetration, the foreskin disapppearances and the head penis stays all right, totaly pelled. I advise the frenulumtomy for all the males. My sons are cut, only of their frenulums. They have short foreskins as mine.

If your foreskin, in erect state, it is not retracted naturaly, it is because you have a long prepuce. In this case, I advice you the circumcision.
