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Male Initiation and the Phimosis Taboos

The Origins of a Taboo




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Written by Christian at 02 Mar 2006 20:22:37:

Hello, I am 20 yrs old and only recently found out that I have Phimosis.
Needless to say its quite an emotional and psycological shock, I had no Idea
that I was abnormal, and I feel stupid and ashamed. I greatly appriciate
your site, knowing that i am not alone in this perdiciment is somehow
reassuring. I grew up in on a farm in a very rural area in Canada with 4
sisters and my mother. Being the only Male in the family, The organ in
question was never disscused, leaving me to find out about even simple
things such as cleaning on my own. This lead to a number of painful
infections as a child, which also were never disscused. As the oldest, and
only male, I took on much of the farm work from an early age, and simply the
time invested meant that I and never developed any friendships, or explored
very much social contacts ( and thus had nothing to compare myself to, or
ask questions of) . I am now in first year at University and only now have
learned of my condition. I think among the contributing factors to my
condition would be a absence of correct mastrubation techniques as I was
discouraged from doing so as a child, I always felt guilty and never
actually manually did so ( I would only wake up in the morning and stroke
through the sheets, never to the point of ejaculation). I would appriciate
any comments about treatment, or about dealing with the emotional feeling of
being very lonely and socially isolated. I would also like to extend my
support to your website and encourage real education about male sexual
issues in grade school and at home, as this would likely have prevented my
current situation.
Thank you
