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Finally going for phimosis treatment after 21 years

Written by Jerome at 07 Jul 2006 03:00:18:

I am 21 years old, and have suffered from phimosis, or phimonal ring I believe from conducting reseach on the net, for as long as i can remember. I first realized i had the disease at around 18 years of age but was far to embarassed to go to a doctor, let alone tell my dad. But recently I found enough courage discuss it with my dad and go see a doctor. I have never had a girlfriend or any sort of relationship with a girl for fear of embarassment when she would see my penis. I feel as though, in my particular case, the psycological effects of phimosis have been far greater then the physical effects. I will be going to see a specalist in a few weeks to decide to best course of action for me to take weither partial, or full circ. I am leaning towards a partial circ or dorsal slit but the results do not look much more asthetically pleasing than the actual phimosis. What kind of cosmetic surgery options do I have? also, how long after the operation can I have sex...because I really do not want to wait much longer.
