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Re: Finally going for phimosis treatment after 21 years

Written by Robin at 13 Jul 2006 19:24:04:

As an answer to: Finally going for phimosis treatment after 21 years written by Jerome at 07 Jul 2006 03:00:18:

Hello Jerome,

Lets clear up a couple of things, first, the medical studies call "it" the phimotic ring and I follow this usage, there are however numerous other names in usage particularly online among the anti circumcision sites. I suggest when talking with a doctor that you will get better attention if you call it simply "the tight ring around the end of foreskin".

Next point of confusion is you say "I had the disease" phimosis is not a disease, phimosis is a condition, so I must question was there any infection or disease present?

I can understand you dont want to wait any longer for sex. (actually your condition wouldnt disturb most women, most - like men - are unaware of what phimosis is and does).

Next question, can you please make an accurate diagnosis (see : and following pages) The doctors do not see the erect penis, they are often not aware of how flaccid conditions influence the erection, please for your own good can you check that you have a phimotic ring, and not a frenulum breve as well etc.

Only accurate diagnosis can lead to accurate treatment.

If it is a phimotic ring which you have had from birth, have you tried stretching it? this will work in at least 50% of all cases. Failing that I strongly recommend the partial circumcision, (absolutely no point doing a full circ. - refuse any doctor who suggests it). recovery is normally in two weeks.

I strongly recommend a bit more research on an unbiased site (ie not biased for or against operations ie. my site, because there appears to be no other unbiased site).

Also please once you have solved your own problems please remember the general need for health care pre puberty on this subject, and please come back and report whatever psychological problems etc. you feel you have had due to this condition - every testimony helps a little to encourage the doctors to take notice.



>I am 21 years old, and have suffered from phimosis, or phimonal ring I believe from conducting reseach on the net, for as long as i can remember. I first realized i had the disease at around 18 years of age but was far to embarassed to go to a doctor, let alone tell my dad. But recently I found enough courage discuss it with my dad and go see a doctor. I have never had a girlfriend or any sort of relationship with a girl for fear of embarassment when she would see my penis. I feel as though, in my particular case, the psycological effects of phimosis have been far greater then the physical effects. I will be going to see a specalist in a few weeks to decide to best course of action for me to take weither partial, or full circ. I am leaning towards a partial circ or dorsal slit but the results do not look much more asthetically pleasing than the actual phimosis. What kind of cosmetic surgery options do I have? also, how long after the operation can I have sex...because I really do not want to wait much longer.
