This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.



The indication in many recent reports is that it is normal to have epithelial adhesions at the age of 17. This idea originates from one frequently quoted but much misunderstood study by Øster where the last remains of adhesions at 17 were reported - but the boys in question were never asked how they felt about their condition.

In this almost entirely unstudied subject it appears the only published case history comes from Bettelheim in "Symbolic Wounds" reporting on a boy of 13 where "painful adhesions interfered with full functioning of the penis".

I interviewed one man who had epithelial adhesions throughout his puberty, he reported pain during erection as intense or immanent. He requested circumcision at 13 yrs. old and was advised to "wait and see what happens" by his doctors. He limited his enjoyment and exploration to manipulating the phallus by gently stroking or applying pressure to the area round the glans. He was eventually circumcised after a renewed request as soon as he was legally eligable at 18.

Once an infant gains control of elementary hand movements he will start innocently exploring and experimenting with his penis, and once his epithelial adhesions have released a boy can and will explore freely and comfortably. At this point he can start feeling completely at ease with his penis.

People avoid pain. When the foreskin is adhered to the glans the proximity of pain discourages experiments. For a boy in this situation, his sexual learning process commences with the inhibiting sensation of nearby pain, every time he attempts to move his foreskin or experiment with his erect penis, - throughout childhood, in waking or sleeping time.

The inhibitive influence of pain throughout childhood erections cannot be expected to have a positive effect on the behavioural habits and psychological attitudes of a child.

The pain from the epithelium must be considered as a primary inhibition of the principle physical organ of male sexuality.

This is a situation which could excite considerable thought among psychologists. The pain from adhesions occurs prior to and as a more elementary influence than the castration or Oedipal complexes and most of the recognised traumatic phases of a baby boy`s development.

The effect of this genital pain during the first year after birth would probably be minimal. But when this continues as a repeated experience over the first four or five years of a boys life, we would expect adverse developments. We would expect the boy to learn that his foreskin and his erection were to some extent untouchable.

It is understood that a boy or youth is easily impressionable, he will have interests and also some fears about sex, these fears can easily be supported by painful or difficult genital complaints.

Due to pain being associated with something wrong, bad or stupid, he might easily understand the sensation as indicating retraction of the foreskin was stupid or his erections were bad.

Even before puberty has begun, this anatomical phenomenon undermines a boy experimenting, finding out about, being aware of and growing up being comfortable with the most essential element of his anatomical maleness.

All such learn processes may be easily reversed, but is it necessary to start any learning process by taking the first step in such a pointless and unconstructive direction?

The earlier a boy can start to develop a comfortable relationship with his essential physical and anatomical maleness; the more chance there is that his sexual identity will develop in an integrated manner; enabling him to become relaxed and comfortable as a man.

The adhesions must be released, as early as possible, to promote the development of a boy's healthy sexual relationship with himself ... and subsequently with others.

Solutions offers a web of files which discuss how to encourage the early release of this adhesive layer, the epithelium.

Early Learning