Written by RS on 24. September 1999 at 21:27:50:In Reply to: Some reflexions written by Yanik Crépeau on 14. September 1999 at 04:25:23:
>you try to find information about adult circumcision, you are
>out of luck, I think this site is the only one on the net that
>adresses specific problem of male aldult circ.Thanks for the letter Yanik,
Yes I`m a rarity, I have noticed this myself, ... and I imagine this forum is the first time such issues have ever been publicly discussed ... I`m very happy that poeple started writing here.
I am fully against routine circ. (except in established cultural rites of passage),... the anti circ groups dont understand my perspective, this was - is a shame ... and the situation isn`t helped by the excessive amount of wrong information they spread around about foreskin problems ... - The pro circ groups address male adult circ. ... but its hardly specific to the actual problems
>something like 8% of persons have ou
>could have potential problem.A good way to learn about it all is to hang around on this FORUM ... there are a couple of interesting threads developing ...
>a story from Germany
>explained that in some school, the school physician recommended the
>circumcision for 50% of the examined boys. If I understand well the
>scope of the problem, if you are border line, the advice of the physician
>will be more according his/her own beliefs than based on actual scientific
>facts.In a word: yes, ... but in Germany at least the doctors DO check, and this helps a number of cases ... and obviously generally is educative:- (even if the foreskin wont retract the boy realises that it should) ...
So yes the school screening in Germany needs guidelines, ... but this cultural education speaks of slow changes which take a generation of new doctor training before anything changes in practice, and a hundred years before its part of the cultures awareness ...
How easy was it to find the site through Yahoo etc.? ... what this project needs is a group of people ... I tried a long time to establish a mailing list, but there was never much response, ... this forum is the first time I can speak of a public response ... its quite a shame but at this point I`m getting exhausted from never ending e.mails ... I want my writing time for the basic .html and letters to the Medical Journals, what this project needs is the support of a group, ... an unbiased open minded group ...
There are any number of ways to support this project, the most obvious is simply to bookmark this forum and contribute, ... just communicate with others so thats its not just always me whos talking individually with everyone.