Written by Yanik C on 14. September 1999 at 04:25:23:If you go to AltaVista, Yahoo and others and look for web pages
about circumcision, you will have pages about religion (including
the very Christian Circumcision of the Christ) or pages about the
war done by some groups against routine infant circumcision. If
you try to find information about adult circumcision, you are
out of luck, I think this site is the only one on the net that
adresses specific problem of male aldult circ.On the pro/anti neo-natale circumcision, I am definitively
on the anti side. I strongly beleive that each human is
entitled to his/her own integrity and unless strong medical
reasons, something as definitive as circumcision should not
performed unless the person mostly interested could give his
accord. This is true for "civilian" routine circumcision but
for me it should be true even for Jews and Muslim. Pospone
the operation until he is capable to give his accord.So good, so well, so what happens to adults who have to make
a decision for themselves? No clues. If we compare various date
I have picked in this site, something like 8% of persons have ou
could have potential problem. At some extreme, a story from Germany
explained that in some school, the school physician recommended the
circumcision for 50% of the examined boys. If I understand well the
scope of the problem, if you are border line, the advice of the physician
will be more according his/her own beliefs than based on actual scientific
- Re: Some reflexions RS 24.9.99 (0)