Written by Dean on 30. July 1999 at 23:39:03:I am a 26 year old male with an uncorected phimsosis since adolesence. I have a large overhang which I am not bothered about but I am also unable to retract my foreskin. I have never experienced any real problems with urination (apart from the requirement of a few extra shakes) so have never done anything about it. However I recently awoke with a fully retracted trapped foreskin (the first ever)(must have been a good dream) and after about 10 mins of panic managed to pull it back over by squeezing the blood out of the glans.
I never knew that I was different and am now developing quite a complex. I am a virgin for religious reason however I am due to be married next month and I am now quite concerned that I will not be able to have sex. I have previously tried to put a condom on with my penis hard, and of course the foreskin non retracted and it just slips off. I have tried to stretch the opening of my foreskin by inserting progresively large objects but it doesnt seem to be working and in any case I am concerned about the pressure that I seem to be exerting on the vain that goes right to the top of my foreskin. I have no visible opening but can get it to about 1.5cm when stretched. I think I am looking at surgery but do not really want to be fully circumcised also I do not want to visit my family GP are you aware of any clinics in the U.K where I can get the surgery I need.
- Re: Phimosis ? Dean 08.8.99 (0)
- Re: paraphimosis RS 04.8.99 (0)
- paraphimosis RS 03.8.99 (0)