Written by RS on 03. August 1999 at 21:44:11:In Reply to: Phimosis ? written by Dean on 30. July 1999 at 23:39:03:
Hello Dean
Thanks for the letter
OK so the retracted trapped foreskin is called paraphimosis, so first you should check out
https://www.male-initiation.net/paraphimosis.htmlThe basic condition you have which causes this is a phimotic ring, hummm if youŽve had this since adolesence then its a secondary phimosis and this either wont stretch or wont stretch easily - stretching requires daily efforts and without an approach that enjoys masturbating every day (which somehow I feel may not be among your religious habits) then I suspect surgery will be the least problematic and best long term option. Have no fear,- this condition DOES NOT require full circumcision.
You will find the tightness is caused by a phimotic ring: a contour of skin at the front of the inner foreskin, just inside the tip of the foreskin and either a dorsal slit or partial circumcision will cure this.
The main problem is .. a brief look at phimos_4.html will show a few specialised medical studies which indicate that most doctors are not aware of what phimosis actually is ....
Modern insanity for me reaches here its zenith ... men have researched outer space and digital chips but we havent finished describing the foreskin of the external male body ... and though it does little to alleviate your complex/trauma, I can assure you that there are thousands of men in your position ...
You probably dont realise but there is a massive "debate" going on, on the net between the pro and the anti circers, the antis want no-one circd. the pros want everyone full-circd, its so ridiculous - the antis imagine there are no actual problems and even the pros have only a vague idea of what phimosis actually is ... and naturally no-one thinks of simply checking kids before puberty, because they have little idea of what to check for!
Excuse me rambling but this is a public forum (mine) and so I take the liberty ... IŽll return to your personal situation ...
A one month time limit is impossible (unless you go for a full circ. and there's no waiting list) so the first personal thing to do, seems to me you must tell your bride to be, ... as youŽve had paraphimosis once then intercourse can very easily and very often lead to another. ---- I think you will need a month to find the right doctor, a month to wait for the op. and a month to recouperate afterwards, 3 months in all. Please get married and have fun being creative with other mutual-body-enjoyment things, ... a two month foreplay could possibly be quite a healthy idea ...
So another problem is that coupled with lack of medical research, the pro circers. of this world have devised and designed any number of clever simple efficient methods of performing a full circumcision, and these have simply flooded the market, ... it would not suprise me if the last time anyone did any research into partials was some Jewish Mohel, before Christ, (partial circ was the original Jewish cut), ... The alternative the simple dorsal slit, is often considered untidy, but I dont see why, and would also suggest it, ... the problem is finding a doctor who has already done one of these operations, at least once ...
I can well imagine it will be important for you to know what you are talking about when you see a Urologist ... so you can not be dissuaded by any doctor (well meaning but) probably blind from repeating full circumcisions.
You should definately read
with any of the relevant subfiles ...
(maybe go to the index.html and get the ZIP).In the UK waiting lists could probably be hurried up by forthcoming marriages, but then youll need your local GP - one guy went straight to the hospital which in some areas is quicker, but then its pot luck if you find a doc. who can give you an appropriate op. ...
read partial_circ.html
maybe join ARC mailing group - (through arc.html, weŽre mostly Brits)And I do apologise for all the.html pages to read but if you dont want full circ. then usually it requires a bit of work
keep in touch,
ask when you dont understand,
good luck,