Re: Phimosis and Penile Growth
Written by Robin at 15 Jan 2000 22:50:40:As an answer to: Re: Phimosis and Penile Growth written by Roxane at 15 Jan 2000 05:55:33:
Roxanne so
if your sons foreskin got trapped behind the glans, this is called paraphimosis, we can thus know that he has a moderate phimotic ring, and we can assume he has no frenulum breve ...
I would not advise the use of creams to stretch a phimosis as the first step to puberty. The big problems with creams and stretching exercises is that they need continuing and for a man who has made a conscious decision to save his foreskin - then thats OK-, but for kids ... I think its a far more traumatic messy unsatisfactory process than a quick operation - ---
Jacks answer (thank you Jack) refers to a full phimosis , a very tight phimotic ring, which because its so tight, it fits very snugly and causes very few problems ...
a partial phimosis, WILL cause problems, paraphimosis and just rubbing against the coronal ridge gets rather sore, ... or one masturbates avoiding this pain ... by keeping the foreskin forward (which is again quite different to the experience of a man with tight phimosis, where the foreskin is automatically held forward and there is no pain to avoid)
Also, if your kid is 10 years old then I suspect the ring will not expand by itself, ...
So I want to suggest you find an urologist who will perform a partial circumcision, ... I think it is truly advisable to refuse the full circumcision, it is not only totally unecessary, but in a few rare cases can lead to further problems ...
The world seems to have stayed still about 2 hundred years ago on this subject (circumcision) even the normal partial circumcision (even when you pay 1,200 quid for an expert) some doctors advise stretching the scar after the operation ... and I wonder what happens in old age when the skin tightens then the poor old guy needs another operation : ...
The SOLUTION is an oblique cut partial circumcision ...
I find mine an almost impossible job because there is practically no doctor who has ever considered an oblique cut ... it is however an easy operation and any urologist or surgeon should be able to perform it.
Good Luck
penile growth? ... many men report after an adult circumcision that the coronal ridge swells out ... some report increas length ... whatever at the age of ten he has a lot of time to actualise any potential growth elements.
>Subject: Phimosis and Penile Growth
>Name: Roxane
>My son (10yrs.) has a very tight foreskin. We treated it with a topical steroid, which loosened it right up in less than 2 weeks, but without continued
>retraction it tightened up again.
>He is not comfortable with retracting his foreskin at this time (it once got temporarily caught behind the glans and gave him quite a scare), so I decided that we would leave things as they are for now and he could use the cream again
>when he reaches puberty and is more comfortable with the idea of retracting his foreskin.
>I felt this was the right decision until recently, when a doctor told me that his tight foreskin would retard the growth of his penis.
>Please could someone who has had, or does have adult phimosis please tell me if this is something I should be concerned about or just more misinformation from another ill-informed doctor.
>I have had reassurances that this is not a concern, but I'm still worried because he does appear to be developing considerably slower than his younger
>Please, anybody who has had first hand experience with this, I would really appreciate hearing from you.
- Re: Phimosis and Penile Growth Roxane 1/16/2000 23:05 (6)
- Re: Your son`s phimosis RS 2/06/2000 07:09 (0)
- Re: Phimosis and Penile Growth Dave 1/18/2000 22:24 (4)
- Re: Phimosis and Penile Growth Roxane 1/19/2000 20:35 (3)
- Re: Phimosis and Penile Growth Dave 1/22/2000 15:20 (2)
- Thank You Roxane 1/31/2000 01:58 (1)
- Dave Told My Story - Battle With The Foreskin Charles II 8/25/2000 20:32 (0)