Re: Extra Sensitive Head
Written by Bob at 22 Jan 2000 16:31:45:As an answer to: Re: Extra Sensitive Head written by Roxane at 22 Jan 2000 01:20:50:
personal letter obviously intended for forum - forwarded by admin
Joe, one thing you haven't said is, whether your
foreskin will remain retracted when you push it back
behind the glans. If it will, you might try leaving
it back (retracted) for a day or two which ought to
promote some desensitization of the glans. Of course
you will need to avoid touching the exposed glans
(probably including sleeping on it!) until it becomes
less sensitive; it may help to wrap it in gauze which
will allow it to dry out to some degree but will
protect it from further contact with clothing or any
other type of touching. You might find that keeping
the foreskin permanently retracted will keep things as
you like them, as well as promoting cleanliness. (It's
interesting that many opponents of circumcision
deplore what they consider to be a resultant loss of
sensitivity, while your current problem appears to be
just the opposite.) On the other hand, if your
foreskin can not be kept retracted on its own, you
might try pushing it all the way back and taping it so
it stays in that position, and keeping it exposed to
the air until it becomes a little less sensitive
(probably a couple of days; you can determine for
yourself when the desired degree of insensitivity is
reached). Another idea, which Robin Stuart suggested
some time back, is to soak the penis (with glans
uncovered)in a Nescafe jar that contains warm water
for some minutes. He also was looking for a magic
ingredient to add to the water to promote
keritanisation (development of protective covering
tissue): I suggest strong tea which contains tannins
& thus may promote thickening of the glans's covering
membrane. If you do this, however, it is important to
rinse all the tea away and dry the glans carefully
before you return the foreskin to its forward
position. I don't think you would want to trap any
chemical substance, including tannin-containing tea,
under the foreskin next to the glans.
I think your advice re stretching the foreskin until
it can be easily retracted is well-conceived & ought
to be followed by any man or boy who has trouble with
phimosis: in my opinion (shared by many!) it is not a
good thing to have a tight, unretractible foreskin
covering the glans at all times & thus permitting dirt
to be trapped where it can not easily be removed.
Penile cancer is admittedly a rare disease but
anything that could promote it (like a chronically
dirty glans) ought to be avoided. (That's not scare
talk, just good sense!)
You've already done the hard work in loosening up your
tight foreskin so it's retractible. It ought to be
possible now to solve your sensitivity problem with a
minimum of hassle. Good luck in ending it! Bob.
P.S. Judging from recent correspondence, problems of
the sort you've dealt with seem to be common: perhaps
the forum can be helpful to a good many people by
spreading helpful information about how to solve them
with minimal (or no) surgical intervention. RJK.>
> Subject: Extra Sensetive Head
> messages/199.htm
> Name: Joe
> Email:
> Text: I've had phimosis all my life (18 years)
> and recently I have done some stretching excercises
> with the aid of Astroglide lubricant. It has worked
> wonders, now I can actually see the entire penis
> head when flaccid. The problem is that, having not
> touched it up until the last month, it is VERY
> sensetive, not so much when I touch it, but when I
> remove the finger I get a slight sting, and this is
> with lubricant. when I touchit without it, it just
> plain hurts. Is there anything I can do aside from
> slightly touching it every day?
- Re: Extra Sensitive Head Hal 1/17/2001 21:00 (0)
- Re: Extra Sensitive Head robin 1/22/2000 19:12 (1)
- Extra Sensitive Head Anonymous 9/24/2000 19:44 (0)