Re: Extra Sensitive Head
Written by Robin at 22 Jan 2000 19:12:53:As an answer to: Re: Extra Sensitive Head written by Bob at 22 Jan 2000 16:31:45:
Letter Exchange between me and Bob -
- Posted under the understanding that its all pure speculation>Another idea, which Robin Stuart suggested
>some time back, is to soak the penis (with glans
>uncovered)in a Nescafe jar that contains warm water
>for some minutes. He also was looking for a magic
>ingredient to add to the water to promote
>keritanisation (development of protective covering
>tissue): I suggest strong tea which contains tannins
>& thus may promote thickening of the glans's covering
>membrane. If you do this, however, it is important to
>rinse all the tea away and dry the glans carefully
>before you return the foreskin to its forward
>position. I don't think you would want to trap any
>chemical substance, including tannin-containing tea,
>under the foreskin next to the glans.Hey this is excellant news, ... only too pleased as a Brit to support the medicinal values of tea, ...
Now - ? - penile hypersensitivity is not really an important theme for me, BUT how to speed up keratinization is THE BIG PROBLEM with releasing adhesions in kids.
Adhesions release as the result of "keratinization" ... like are you suggesting this could be the big break through ... ???Tea is rich in tannins with this I agree; but could you argue why tannins could be expected to promote keritinisation ...?
>I do remember from somewhere that
>tannins were promoted at one time as an ingredient in
>burn ointments (which of course makes the connection
>to keratinisation tenuous at best!).Tannin is used to cure leather, (so is urine) - (is it used to colour leather or to harden it up?) ... the leather tanning process may well provide a few keratinization methods ...
>I don't think it would be a good idea for
>kids to put raw penile tissue in warm tea for any
>length of time. My thought was that in
>post-adolescent males with a hypersensitive glans, tea
>should be exactly the magic ingredient you sought. But
>unless it works fairly rapidly (ie in less than a
>week), I'd cease using it. (Other people have used
>ascorbic acid [= Vitamin C] to promote tissue growth;
>don't know whether it would help but I believe
>ointments containing Vitamin C are fairly widely
>available.) In the Philippines, chewed-up guava
>leaves, also rich in Vitamin C (as well as saliva and,
>doubtless, bacteria), have long been applied to newly
>circumcised adolescent penises for their supposed
>antibiotic effect.well I reckon we need to get Joe to do a bit of experimenting (at his own risk) because whatever wroks for adults has a chance of working with kids
>Btw, has anybody tried a warm solution of
>Epsom salts for the soak? It's helped many
>conditions, including boils and even snake bite! Just
>a thought, but it might help.I feel sure there must be some very simple substance which would help release infant adhesions -> allow kids to stretch the potential tightness out of their own foreskins before it started being a problem . ................. maybe we can hope that someone with an extra sensitive glans can do a bit of experimenting and give us some ideas
- Extra Sensitive Head Anonymous 9/24/2000 19:44 (0)