Frenulum Breve? Please Help

Written by Ken at 14 Feb 2000 07:58:41:

Ok. This is the problem. Ever since I was I child I relised that my foreskin didn't retract fully when erect (no problem when soft), but I thought it was normal. Masterbation was no problem, but when I become sexually active I noticed that something was wrong. I can now retract it when erect so that it is just no longer covering the head , but it is still painfull. I also noticed that my frenulum was very tight and was being pulled by the foreskin. My GP said I should stretch it in the bath, but I was the last patient on a Sunday and it didn't really seem like he gave a damn. After being with my girlfriend one day I noticed a tiny rip on my frenulum, so I believe I have frenulum breve. When soft, and I retract my foreskin fully (ie. not just past the head, but fully stretching the skin out), it pulls the head of my penis so that it is almost at a 90 degree angle... Is Frenulum Breve my problem? Does anyone else know what I mean? Do I need an operation? Please help...


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