Written by RS on 29. August 1999 at 17:03:28:In Reply to: BXO written by H H on 29. August 1999 at 16:54:38:
Hello H,
OK so BXO Balanitis xerotica obliterans, is just one of a row of balanitis variations, and balanitis and LSA are much the same thing, one medical text I found discussed whether to call it balanitis or LSA and so etc.
so for a collection of ideas please read
https://www.male-initiation.net/lsa.htmlFull circumcision is the SAFEST method of treating infections ... Do you understand the principle?: the area must dry out - infections love the dark humid conditions presented by the enclosed area under the foreskin.
To my mind alternative treatment depends very much on individual case, what degree of infection (are there merely white spots on the glans or is there a festering mass of goo?), do you have an experimental attitude to life, ... or would prefer the tried and tested solution, ... want to keep the foreskin at all costs, ... age?
To what extent has the general deterioration of skin tissue led to phimosis (a phimotic ring)?
By wearing the foreskin retracted, one could also dry out the area, and maybe a partial circumcision is necessary to remove the phimotic ring in order to wear it retracted. .. (this would depend, is the infection on foreskin glans or both?)
What I found very interesting is the homeopathic cure, but the guy started this treatment early before any ring had developed, and he has an attitude to life which suits the whole body approach of homeopathy ...
Geoffrey T. Falk (anti-circ) used to have a page online about balanitis, but his pages have vanished, this is very peculiar cos Geoffrey has been around on circumcision since the net started ... anyway I`ve written to him, ... otherwise I`ve no ideas, --- if you do a search on the subject (LSA is short for lichen sclerosus et atrophicus) and if you find any other links then I`d be interested.
doctors often tend to raise the eyebrow when asked for partial circumcision, !! to find out more about it?, I found no medical study which describes the operation, but I think the report on
is a very good indication of how good the operation can be. Print it out for him!
(take the new version it was updated about 2 weeks ago)partial circ. was the original Jewish cut, we could imagine it was the original traditional cut, simply because to perform it is easier, requiring at most for equipment only a clamp to trap the glans inside the foreskin to avoid cutting the glans, ... it seems in recent years the pro circers of this world have invented any number of clever little gadgets to facilitate a full circ. .. partials are hardly ever performed
good luck, write again if I can help