First thanks for fimono and fimosi very informative dont know what use it is to anyone however is fimotro still used for horses, and what is the Greek word for the horses reins?
Now, its the first time Ive had your question. First lets get clear that actually my involvement with this entire theme is because I feel the medical profession should understand the sexual effects of foreskin problems and kids should be checked before puberty. I only ever got involved with treatment because 10 yrs. ago there was nothing online apart from the idea of full circumcision.
So if you feel that your condition should have been sorted out before puberty, then actually what you could do for this site and project, is to tell us how your condition influenced your psycho-sexual development.
I followed up your link and Im afraid you might be right in that tying is a more sucessful method than laser I never even heard the term before and am still not sure I understand the method.
Thank you for the pictures. I have seen the little V cut underneath the foreskin which was done as part of the partial circumcision to create a bit of play room, like a pleat in a dress. And I have seen the little bagged up skin fold on the topside. It is also a very rough cut, probably done freehand ... (I think the old fashioned guilloteen would give a straighter cut)
For me its a simple mechanical question straightforward and practical, it is NOT the frenulum remains which is causing the downward bend of the glans there is simply far more skin on the topside (the bagged up fold) and when you stretch this out, underneath simply isnt as much spare skin, so it pulls the glans downwards.
So, you are leading me into details of surgery where I havent been before. It sems to me, if you were willing to lose still more of your inner foreskin then an op. would be able to remove the excess skin from the topside and create an equally round retracting foreskin. However I think what you would lose is more than what you gain.
I spose my message is if it works then dont worry. Yes I understand we want to be real proud of how our equipment looks, but its not as though you walk round with it hanging out of the zipper, and women dont have magnifying glasses in their hanbdbags. Yes at this point in time, perfection is only for the Gods and a few lucky chance mortals.
The not very hard erections is another problem, ... have you tried Viagra ... how quickly do you come? Can you hold back coming, and then get a bit harder? And I could perhaps think of 20 questions here, but I am really no expert, its maybe organic, maybe you need a valve ( a ring to put on penis base of penis so that the blood stays in). Id be interested to know the response you get from another site and forum which specialises in such questions.