I wanted to add. I also had a rough cut, - done freehand. The doctor
told me it was a partial circumcision and what he actually did was a
loose circ.. This means that the inner foreskin is removed and the
outer foreskin is turned over facing the glans. (In addition the
frenulum area was removed even though I had previously had a
successful frenuloplasty)
One can imagine my frustration and anger - among other difficulties,
nowadays I am constantly reminded because of the smell: the outer
foreskin doesnt breathe or absorb the moisture or whatever it is - so
I have to wash with soap every day ... (previously and healtwise one
only needs water) ... ridiculous idiocy of modern medicine on such
points - the doctors have been doing it for centuries and it seems
everyone was too embarrassed to complain.
Anyway, there are various warnings about this on my site, and this
possibility of expression is my main form of therapy, on various
points (thank God for internet).
So, I wanted to suggest you adopt a similar therapy, about your
lasered frenulum, and the tying method you found online, I wanted to
invite you to revise or rewrite my frenulum_treatment.html (I can do
the html for you).
If you wanted you could write a separate page which I link to, or a
warning or a paragraph and we could add a link to my
frenulum_treatment file. But this would not be as predominant - (and
thus not as good therapy) as if you rewrote the entire main frenulum
treatment page.
There are several short studies under
male-initiation.net/frenulum_studies.html#treatment also one on
laser techniques, which maybe you could check out.
It seems to me the best way to let off steam is to try and turn the
experience into something constructive - as best possible.
The site gets 77,000 page views a month now (page views arent hits,
hits are far more cos they include gifs etc.) and
frenulum_treatment.html gets around 1,700 per month ... so theres an
audience, and there are just other files I need to update more
Its nice to have your email address, I spent a good hour considering
your photos etc. but just dont get much time to think about other
things when Im online (I live in an isolated garden house - peaceful
and old-fashioned, use a friends broadband once a week to answer the
forum and do technical stuff)
I also wanted to explain why I always post letters on the forum, as I
will post this : in the disclaimer it just says to get the info out in
public, this is very important, but also its purely the work of filing
and saving letters and organising them to refind them, the threads on
these Forums are an ideal sorting system.