It is possible to have a phimotic ring and frenulum breve together, in fact it often ocurrs, but I dont believe that this is what you have got. Your symptoms describe a very short frenulum breve - but I see no sign of a phimotic ring.
I have never heard of the stamp of the head, but presume this refers to the ridge of the head (the coronal ridge of the glans).
Really you are describing a very tight frenulum, --- I would say even if there were a slight phimotic ring that FIRST you need to get the frenulum seen to and then the phimotic ring may stretch or (as I believe) it will be no problem.
You will need to please read my page on frenulum treatment (go to the pretty web map at the top of this page - middle left you find frenulum treatment) waiting lists for ops depend on the country you are in. At late 20, you should be able to gather the confidence to approach the surgeon (try and find a surgeon rather than urologist) maybe read the treatment file and then ask more questions next week ...
Though I know most of the answers, but the question I always like asking is how on earth did you manage to make love etc. with this condition ... and though I should wait for the answer, I cant help adding how ridiculous it is that boys and youths are left alone to mess up so much love - why doesnt whichever country you come from, take more care with its youngsters? Even now you might find yourself on some year long waiting list just because why? maybe sex isnt important in these countries, ??? anyway I will cease from my sarcasm :)
good luck
>Is it possible that may I have both a tight Phimotic Ring and short frenulum? I have a problem retracting my foreskin when my penis is fully erected. It doesn't feel comfortably retracting pass the stamp of the head and when retracted it tends to bunch up under the head. It is possible to stretch it down the shaft but it tends to be very difficult. Also when released the foreskin will immediately spring back up under the head stamp.
>When the foreskin retracts and bunches up under head, I often feel like my penis is choking, tight and the head sometimes turns red. This all happens whether I use lubricant or cream to assist the process of retraction.
>I am in my late twenties.