As an answer to: Re: please help written by Robin at 15 Feb 2006 18:55:05:
Hi Robin,
it's a bit difficult to describe precisely my foreskin.I have made another picture,this time from above just like you asked me to do,and I hope it will be usefull to you in understanding my condition. No matter how hard I pull,the skin wouldn't retract much,because of the small hole which is holding it above the head of my penis.(you can see that clearly in the pictures). However,I am sure that I'll be able to give much more accurate description of my foreskin when I have some progress with the stretching. Unfortunately,recently I am really very busy and don't have much time to do this stretching :( In spite of this,I have done it a couple of times in the previous week,but the progress is slow.In the beginning I even thought that I simply imagined that there was any progress at all... Of course, I suppose that maybe it is normal that in the beginning the progress is tiny because I have never done stretching before and the skin is a bit sinewy. I hope that I'll be able to find much more time to do stretching and the progress will be much more significant. I'll be very grateful if you can recommend me some steroid cream which could be bought without doctor's prescription,because as I already said,I am quite busy recently and don' have much time to go to doctors and so on.
This is the new picture I made-
This is all for now.I'll try to do stretching regularly and I hope that there will be some more significant progress soon. I hope also that the information I gave you was useful to you,and I'll make new pictures as soon as there is some improvement. Thanks again for the help.
>Hi Dimitar,
>I can believe you havent had any actual problems with your condition, I think I said some men can go through life with pinhole phimosis, it holds the penis so tightly that there is no excess skin to get in the way - I consider the disadvantage is mainly simply that you are in a state similar to when your hands had gloves on all the time.
>Thanks for permission with the pics, naturally anon. - (I have downloaded them)
>As I said I dont fully understand your condition and Im very interested.
>you say
>>I can't say that the skin around the small hole is sinewy or tough,it is just like all the skin covering my penis.
>I suspect that one centimeter back on the top side and about 2 cms. back on the sides of your foreskin, there is a sinewy and tough phimotic ring which is actually the main hindrance - (underneath the phimotic ring merges into the frenulum, so underneath there is no real obstruction).
>I suspect that the front one centimeter on the topside of your foreskin can be folded back - and then it flops back into place neatly around the meatus (urinary opening) I suspect that underneath your foreskin is almost like a flap which can be folded back far more than a centimeter.
>Your pictures showed you holding the penis at the base of the penis. When you are holding the penis at the front and pulling back on the foreskin does it retract one centimeter or does it look the same? Could you take pictures of this manouever?
>The only other posibility I can imagine is that the foreskin is stuck to the glans? I will presume this is not the case.
>10 minutes ago I have put up a new summary of stretching techniques on - maybe you would like to look at this.
>I am amazed at how quickly stretching works, so suggest starting optimistically (theres always time to get pessimistic later:)) ... remember that steroids half the time necessary ... (but you lose a week or two going to the docs etc. so?)
>If you are willing to be helpful, I would guess that within a week or so of stretching there will be some improvement, - could you document this with photos? ... this could be quite informative for me and general understanding - as slowly the area underneath your foreskin is revealed. - In addition, we might find frenulum breve or remains of epithelial adhesions ... which is another problem for another day ...
>greetings to Bulgaria (you must learn good English there) - Im 53 English and live and love in Germany
>>HI Robin,thank you for your answer.
>>First about the pictures- of course you can reprint them,but please don't reveal any information about the author of the pictures (that's me) ;) And it is good idea to save them on your PC,because i'll soon remove them from my site.
>>Now about me- I am 18 years old and I am from Bulgaria. I have just found out a few days ago that I have some type of phimosis and one of the reasons for that late discovery is that I've never experienced any kind of problems because of my condition (like pain,problems with pissing and so on).
>>I can't say that the skin around the small hole is sinewy or tough,it is just like all the skin covering my penis.
>>I will try the whole "stretching" thing but I am not very optimistic about it.Maybe because I can't imagine how such a small opening will stretch to such extent so that it'll be possible for the penile glan to come through.
>>Thanks again for your infromation.