>after many years of suffering from tight frenulum I breached it during sex, so last year i finally got circumcised. The difference has been amazing. Apart from removing the obvious physical problems I feel that circumcision has given my penis a new, manly look.
>>>>>>>>> Scoop
I know of a lad who is like your 12 yr old son and while he too had or should say did have a rather tight foreskin he was quite happy with what he had. he was in the scouts and on the swim team and was in so many way a normal happy 12 yr old . Well his dad was killed in an auto accident and his mother was not happy with the father idea of leaving the child intact. soon After the mother took upon herself to have the child circumcised against his will. He now has quit going to scouts has quit the swim team and has resorted to sitting all the time to void. it has truly ruined this child for life .
<<<<<<< Father
My son who is 12 has a foreskin which is a little tight and I would like to have him circumcised too. But he won't agree, he can pull back his foreskin however and all his friends are uncut. And I would like how can i persuade him to get cut like his dad?
Your son is in NO HARM your son is happy with his body and seems to have no problems associated with his foreskin . I would ask you to forgive him and let him choose how he wants to live with what he has now. Your happy with what you done he is happy with what he has and like you said his peers are all like him uncut Natural and intact please dont put any added pressure on your son my doing something he does not want done . Love your son and leave his body to him to choose what HE wants done to it please Scoop