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Male Initiation and the Phimosis Taboos

The Origins of a Taboo




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Re: The story so far.

Written by Robin at 30 Mar 2006 19:37:00:

As an answer to: Re: The story so far. written by antonio at 30 Mar 2006 15:01:58:

Hello both, and thanks for a nice story Chris,

- I particularly appreciate that you were never so thankful to internet. Yes some doctors are incredibly stuck in their ways on phimosis ... (I always say, a phimotic brain is harder to cure ...)

Sorry no idea of doctors in your area, but suggest you go to a dermatologist if you have the need to see another doctor.

OK, so, have you both seen the summary of stretching methods on

hummm ... the two fingers method should work fine, can you try again please: insert two little fingers hold them parrallel and pull in opposite directions, you should be able to feel the constricting tight contour of skin, ... once youve found it, then you can stretch it directly. I cant really understand where any problem could be.

I guess you could try with other methods, the vibrator or with any mechanical device, but really there is nothing better than the two fingers - so I ask again, can you feel the tight contour of this phimotic ring?

Whatever - you are half way to success, and it wont be hard to complete the process ... there is sure to be an easy method ... tell us when you find it!

good luck

