As an answer to: Re: frenuloplasty written by Robin at 04 May 2006 19:45:23:
>Hello Robert,
>thats a nice letter, I appreciate fully your experience, and your
>feelings about the urologist.
>As far as what happens in the operation, I presume you have read
>and maybe followed the link (very near end of page) to the medical
>studies where the theory of Y plasty is explained
>also there is a
>which I put online recently, (maybe since you wrote) - the index links
>to Harmen's pictures of
>the frenulum and its treatment ... 3 very excellant pics of a
>frenuloplasty with 4 cuts - you will have to look to find them - but
>thats exactly what you are looking for.
>Im in contact with Harmen - he recently offered that I take over his
>site ...
>For a long time i have tried to do my site without pictures, in an
>attempt to make the info available to youngsters - however there is
>such a lot of useful education from pictures, that now I am collecting
>pics of all the conditions - I already have several in store, but I have
>nothing showing the effects of frenulum breve. Do you have a digital camera???
>I need pictures ... Can you help?
>There ARE quite a few reports after the frenulum operation, but they
>are all quite simple and happy. In contrast to complaints about the circumcision
>operation - I have NEVER ever heard one complaint about the frenulum
>operation, (except from one man who had laser treatment).
>So - I am also interested in you sharing your experience, my site was
>built from men doing this - and Id be interested in pictures or anything
>you wrote on the subject -
>How old are you? I could guess 20 yrs. - humm yes yet another link
>(all links are on the frenulum index)
>You see this is my concern, firstly, what are the sexual difficulties
>you have experienced with frenulum breve (the doctors are not only
>dumb when they advise circumcision, they truly are (most are) fully unaware that
>the frenulum has any sexual effects!! - this subject has been tabood for
>centuries). I feel firstly the medical profession must become aware of
>this, and then they may want to check for the problem before puberty,
>this would be a wise step, and then the problem could be treated
>before puberty.
>So then the second point, how can they check? they only
>see a boys flaccid penis .. so this is the idea behind frenulum_research,
>and the questionnaire, which I would ask you to please look at, fill in and comment on.
>I have a friendly disagreement with Harmen whereby we both learn
>something - let me interest you in this theme - his picture 4. shows
>the frenulum bending the GLANS. I have a drawing of the frenulum
>bending the erection, (drawn with my limited talents
>from my old frenulum), on
>. My drawing shows the SHAFT bending.
>I reckon that his glans bends, because his frenulum is attached by the
>meatus (urinary opening), mine was attached to the base of the glans,
>in the "frenular delta" . Now where is yours attached and how does
>your erection bend??? ... (see the questionnaire it covers this point)
>So, I have given you a lot to think about, a lot of links to check,
>and things to read before your operation ... I think it is all
>relevant to someone in your position with your attitude, ... so I hope
>it isnt all work, and hope you enjoy it.
>Also I hope to hear from you again, but if I have made a complete
>balls up, asked too much, and you decide against it, then let me at least wish a successful
>operation in April.
>> first off, thanks for the helpful site. im scheduled for a frenuloplasty for early April, and as is reasonable im quite nervous. what I have noticed is an almost complete lack of before and after pictures, and very few testimonials from people who have had the surgery. I am interested in sharing my experience with others so that maybe they can make a slightly more informed decision about the surgery.
>>when I went to my urologist with my problem the first thing he suggested was a circumcision, with the info I gathered from this site and others I was able to tell him that I wanted an frenuloplasty instead. im glad that I was able to do this but it scares me that he may be performing unnecessary surgeries on people who don't know better or choose based on too little information.
>>I still don't feel I have a full understanding of what is about to happen. I hope I do before the surgery, either way I would like to help others know what to expect from my experience.
>>I look forward to hearing from you
Dear Dr Robin
The page about the frenulumplasty is excelent, but i think that it ignore the modern methods of the cut, with laser or electric scapel. My frenulum was cut with electric scapel. No more than ten minutes, without pain and blood. The only discomfort was the prick of the anesthesia injection.
What is your opinion about that will be standariced this cut as one alternative of the circuncision?