As an answer to: Re: frenuloplasty written by peter at 28 May 2006 17:13:01:
Hi Peter again,
Im not a doctor (again).
Would you believe the only complaint I have ever heard about frenulum treatment was from a man who had laser treatment and complained of the hard scar afterwards.
If you can give me a complete description of the "electric scapel" method, then I will include it on future updates.
Otherwise Ive already answered above
>Dear Dr Robin
>The page about the frenulumplasty is excelent, but i think that it ignore the modern methods of the cut, with laser or electric scapel. My frenulum was cut with electric scapel. No more than ten minutes, without pain and blood. The only discomfort was the prick of the anesthesia injection.
>What is your opinion about that will be standariced this cut as one alternative of the circuncision?