>Finally a place where there is some room for the grey tones between All Must Be Cut and None May Be Cut.
Well thats what I try to do ... though actually I am very biased - I fanatically maintain children should be educated and monitored pre puberty, if this was done then there would be no work for this forum.
Except maybe with a couple of cases like yours!!
You say "I know that I have a problem, but strange as it may seem, I have no good view on where the problem lies, and what to do about it."
Lets look at the glans hurting when you retract enough, which naturally would only happen occasionally with your long overhang. You say the frenulum does not hurt, infact its white, means to me no blood and probably no nerves running through it.
You say "I can retract it easily, except for the frenulum which pulls on the glans, tipping it down." this is the classical symptom of frenulum breve. However usually then it will hurt during sex or at least be sore afterwards, maybe the underside of your glans where the frenulum connects is sore?
The foreskin should ideally retract fully, so maybe you need the frenulum treating ... see www.male-initiation.net/frenulum_treatment.html for various simple ideas on this.
But I dont feel I know exactly where the problem is ... (sorry - if I was biased it would make things a lot simpler with such questions!!!)
You say "Intercourse needs the foreskin to remain stationary in the sheath of my partner, whilst I pump inside it." this is the case for many uncircumcised men.
Maybe you could consider a partial circumcision - if during erection you have an overhang of 1 inch then you COULD get a half inch or maybe the whole inch cut off - (absolutely no reason to have a full circ.) see www.male-initiation.net/partial_circumcision.html
Maybe the problem is the hyper sensitive glans which I answer on message 291.htm of this forum subject: "Glans not desensitising"
The last point is simply I cant actually find anything really "wrong" from your description ... merely several things which would make your situation better. Maybe thats exactly what you have, a combination of several minor problems ... alone none of them would cause a problem ... but together it is.
Sorry, but actually with such a vague question, I think Ive done rather well answering it.
>I hope I can be helped with this issue:
>My penis is what is colloquially named a 'grower'. It is very soft and small when flaccid (5 cm/ 2 in) and grows to a decent size (17 cm / 6.5 in). When I am flaccid, the foreskin overhangs my glans in a wrinkled mass. I have no clue how far it hangs if you'd stretch it, but it must be at least 15 cm. When I am fully erect, my foreskin overhangs my glans by 3 cm or 1 inch.
>The foreskin itself is not particularly inflexible. I can retract it easily, except for the frenulum which pulls on the glans, tipping it down. The frenulum, which is bone white and rather sturdy, doesn't hurt. In fact there's not much sensation there at all. The glans does hurt when I retract enough. When I pull the foreskin back enough to bare the whole head (waaaayyyy before my frenulum pulls taut) my entire shaft is covered in a concertina of skin, which stays put until the moment I let go, recovering my glans.
>My entire foreskin is thick leathery skin, like on the rest of my body. It is hard to feel sensations through it, and it feels like it slightly compresses my glans. There is no phimotic ring.
>I can only come to a climax in masturbation or intercourse. Oral sex is painful when done on the bare glans, and uninteresting when performed on the foreskin. Intercourse needs the foreskin to remain stationary in the sheath of my partner, whilst I pump inside it.
>Due to causes I like to keep private, I am very psychologically averse to circumcision. The problem is that I don't see a particular alternative, and my partners so far have all been big fans of me getting one (I'm from a staunchly non-cutting country, no less!). I know that I have a problem, but strange as it may seem, I have no good view on where the problem lies, and what to do about it. I hope I can be helped.