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Re: Phimosis Education

Written by JB at 01 Aug 2006 22:15:55:

As an answer to: Phimosis Education written by Tim at 15 Jun 2006 20:59:01:

reposted from central forum messages/368.htm

Tim wrote the following:
>I recently came to realise that I suffer from phimosis - or more to the point, realised that a non-retracting foreskin was not something you had to just accept and live with.


I was Cut at birth but many Americans also were cut do to the lack of knowledge or the idea that a uncut penis might (2%) get cancer so its better to cut the foreskin off. Not mentioning that a greater precent of the sensation and between 80 and 90 % of the nerves were cut away during Circumcisions. I and i have seen many Americans are also angry due to the fact we had no choice as to what we could have Cut vs uncut or intact penises..

<<<<>But what I’m extra-ordinarily angry about, is the fact that this has not been mentioned to me until now - at the age of 29.
>I am enraged! If any health educators are reading this, then be aware that you have completely FAILED innumerable people around the world.


Hay i am with you on that topic there is a question i do have and it also relates back to guys like you who have a foreskin . I have ask well what it like any down sides to sporting such as a foreskin. What pro/con info can you give me about what you have and i get the general pat answer its ok or nothing is wrong. I happend to be talking to a guy who is cut and he said uncuts have a lot of maintance associated with foreskins but try and get that out of some one who is uncut and the answer is what? I guess the better way to ask it is what it like to be phimosed are there down sides to not being able to pull it back? and if so what are they.

<<<<< Tim

>I am university educated as a health professional, and nowhere in ANY of my years of study did the condition “phimosis” ever get even a fleeting mention. If it doesn’t even get a mention at this level, what hope do 13-year-old kids get... until perhaps they’re near to 30 years of age after years of sexual (and social) insecurities.(Of course the age-related impotence was awarded significant lecture time at university...

>>>>>> JB

You said something there that also hit a cord in my train of thought 13 year olds and years of social insecurities..... what insecurities are there! or fears and again something not mentioned is the connection to the fact that the EXPOSED gland looses a significant amount of sensation soon after the teen years in the young 13 year old penis. so by age 29 or 30 on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 at the best 1 being at the bottom males who are circed fall below the 1 mark into a minus range down to a - minus or negitive 30 to 50 bu the time they reach 80 yrs of age. no wonder the drug companies like circed guys $$$$ . Oh did i mention if the doctors who are " to cause no harm " do more damage than not in circumcising the males and thats to the tune of between 300 US Dollars up to as much in some cases 3,000 us dollars . and i hear the operation done on babies is what 10 minutes worth of work. ok nursed i have a rolls to pay off . thats 6 in an hour at 3,000 $ US and i do that for 8 hours i could have that car paid off in a very short order correct.... not to mention the treatment in old age for ED erection disfuntion partly due to no sensation caused by me circumcising him or a co worker 80 yrs hence .

<<<<<<<God forbid 80 year old men lose their erections after a lifetime of sexual satisfaction).I am absolutely incensed! What a completely distorted world we live in!
>I referred back to my university notes, and the closest thing that came to the subject was the matter of ensuring uncircumsized males wash their glans to prevent infection... no elaboration (Not sure if my University has lower standards than expected - but it’s supposed to be in the top two to three in the country). I even went to the Merck Manual (a thorough, world-renowned reference book on medical conditions and treatments) - where “phimosis” gets merely a tiny paragraph, stating “surgical circumcision is indicated” and “prognosis is excellent”.

>>>>>>> JB

Again should i mention the car (rolls ) i am paying off, more $$$ and yes id be happy to cut off your foreskin and cause you to loose the pleasures {you had} with the foreskin . Or will have if i show you how to get it to where it would retract and save all the sensation normally lost with circumcision....

<<<<<<< Tim

>I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry about anything before!


Angry ! wow what an understatement I was aware about circumcisions nor what a foreskin was until i was 10 yrs of age. and that was all by accident that i found out! no mention was evermade or explained to me about this topic. and in years later i find out what was taken away from me and the HARM done due to circumcision.

<<<<<< Tim

>There are certainly many ""issues ""associated with this condition, but as far as I can see, the greatest is the fact that young boys are not educated about this condition. From what I remember, my teenage sex education in high school focused on not spreading STDs and preventing unwanted pregnancies. I guess boys who’s foreskins prevented them from having sex didn’t pose as much as much of a social (or economical) threat to the community as some of these other things, so it really got demoted down the list of priorities on what to educate kids about (demoted down to no mention at all).

>>>>>> JB

Tim there again you mention that non education is the key factor in that many mothers / parents as well as youth are not educated in the proper care and usefulness of the foreskin the real reason it was ment to be! You mentioned,your foreskin prevented you from having sex as a teen and there are issues associated with being uncut but some one who is cut ask the question WHAT ARE THE ""ISSUES"" associated with being uncut and we get no answers. thats my complaint and there is nothing said But behind our backs we hear phimoses tight skins or worse yet infections or the smegma delema and maintance associated with foreskins . but ask one and you get the pat answer i have no problems . I with you i REALLY glad this site is here . I know as i write this the International sysposium of circumcision has taken place in Washing state in trying to educate those to dont know the reason its better to leave the newborns intact and deal with problems that come up short of the cure all cut it off. now if there is any way i can help please let me know . Tim and others, e mail me please.

<<<<<< >My hat goes off to this website. It’s done so much more in a matter of minutes than what a lifetime of supposed “education” has done. And I concur (with other posts) that something needs to be done to ensure young kids are made aware of this condition.

>>>>>>>> JB

several sites one is another is and still another here in the USA is a movement like what was done in the UK United Kindom back in 1962 and that was the hault of circumcisions on all boys reguardless of age . that web site is there are groups in the UK as well who are in support of just such an effort. Something i may also mention Yes i know there are guys and you may be one as well who support Circumcisions and the feelind they recive are great as an adult after the operation wow the best ever (FOR NOW) but i also talked to a few who were Phimosed One in mind is in PHOENIX AZ with NOCIRC chapter there a fella by the name of ROOD. he was Phimosed Like you Tim and did not know you were to pull it back he could not and was talked into circumcision (REMEMBER THE CURE ALL CUT IT ) well now he wishes he was just left alone and so many other uncuts who thought the grass was greener on the other side only to find out NO its not! have now gotten the Book by Jim Bigelow , ( great person to work and talk with ) called ""THE JOY OF UNCIRCUMCISION"" and it can be ordered thru no circ as well as Border books and amazon and all the other big book stores . another good book with history is one by Bud Berkely , ""FORESKIN"" and it last i known of had two printings but may now be out of print good reading for all students in the medical field general practice and fields realted to urilogy and such. signed JB
