Re: Phimosis Education
Written by Robin at 05 Aug 2006 16:26:25:
As an answer to: Re: Phimosis Education written by JB Jason Broadway at 01 Aug 2006 22:15:55:
>>>I was Cut at birth but many Americans also were cut do to the lack of knowledge or the idea that a uncut penis might (2%) get cancer so its better to cut the foreskin off.
HI Jason,
It seems that the doctors don’t know why they perform RIC (it isn’t because of cancer) they seem to do it just cos its the done thing.
>>>Hay i am with you on that topic there is a question i do have and it also relates back to guys like you who have a foreskin . I have ask well what it like any down sides to sporting such as a foreskin. … I guess the better way to ask it is what it like to be phimosed are there down sides to not being able to pull it back? and if so what are they.
Jason, You don’t need to repeat your questions. It takes quite a while to read and already in my first posting to you - I have answered this.
Jason, again I really find it hard to follow your train of thought. --- NO one here, and no-one on my site is recommending the form of RIC which was practiced on you. To my mind there is considerable justification for the PARTIAL circumcision performed by various ethnic groups in former times, however with modern health care and education even that would become unnecessary.
>>>>>> You mentioned,your foreskin prevented you from having sex as a teen and there are issues associated with being uncut but some one who is cut ask the question WHAT ARE THE ""ISSUES"" associated with being uncut and we get no answers. thats my complaint and there is nothing said.
There is lots said and its mostly on my site waiting for you to read. Please refer to my previous letter.
>>> several sites one is another is and …… Jim Bigelow , ( great person to work and talk with ) called ""THE JOY OF UNCIRCUMCISION""
Im afraid these sites and references are all anti circ biased. They do not reflect the complete picture. Im not ignoring your question, just I feel if I answer you all the four times you have so far asked that I might get ten replies back! … so lets just keep it on one thread, and please read the pages I recommended in the previous letter, and just look around my site.
I am not pro or anti circ, and you and no-one else will never get a balanced view of the whole situation by putting two extremist views together.