Hi there, I'm 22 from the UK and until recently didn't know that I had a problem. I thought I was normal for uncut. I have no pain with it and manage to unrinate and everything fine, although never had intercourse so don't know how that would be.
The only problem I can think of in the past was when I was about 14 it was very painful at the tip when trying to urinate. Went to the doctor about it and all they did was take a urine test, no examination, and that was all that happened.
I can't retract my foreskin over the glans at all(either flaccid or erect) as the opening is only a couple of mm wide.
I have tried the stretching suggestions on the site, when I do it stretches to about 5mm at most. From what I've read on here that is still very small.
I will continue to try the stretching, but I can't see it getting much wider, but I'm in no hurry for anything so will keep at it. How long should I be stretching it every day and how long for before I should see some improvement?
I don't really know what is causing it, perhaps the phimotic ring? But that's just a guess. Any suggestions would be welcome.