As an answer to: pinhole phimosis? written by Andrew at 28 Oct 2006 23:34:11:
Hello Andrew,
Stretching as often and as regularly as possible will give the best results.
With pinhole phimosis, most men can penetrate without problems because the tightness of the foreskin keeps it forward - so there is no pain or problem - the problem is to my mind that the glans is part of your essential maleness and the penis with exposed galns looks far more interesting with the differential skin structures and shapes and the glans is the most sensitive part of the penis - so I feel anyone with a pinhole phimosis is not experiencing their full anatomical maleness.
Yours should be a primary ring (from childhood) so this should stretch (see if you dont understand this)
However you might also have frenulum breve or skin bridges keeping your foreskin forward and hindering the stretching - to check for these you need to use the probe check please go to - at the bottom of this page you will find links to the probe check - I suggest you do this it is easy for anyone intelligent and you sound fairly cool calm and collected - I like your nice relaxed attitude - but on the other hand you should get this fixed a nice relaxed time before you start wanting sex with a woman (or man) and then maybe you can do the whole thing in a nice relaxed way.
>Hi there, I'm 22 from the UK and until recently didn't know that I had a problem. I thought I was normal for uncut. I have no pain with it and manage to unrinate and everything fine, although never had intercourse so don't know how that would be.
>The only problem I can think of in the past was when I was about 14 it was very painful at the tip when trying to urinate. Went to the doctor about it and all they did was take a urine test, no examination, and that was all that happened.
>I can't retract my foreskin over the glans at all(either flaccid or erect) as the opening is only a couple of mm wide.
>I have tried the stretching suggestions on the site, when I do it stretches to about 5mm at most. From what I've read on here that is still very small.
>I will continue to try the stretching, but I can't see it getting much wider, but I'm in no hurry for anything so will keep at it. How long should I be stretching it every day and how long for before I should see some improvement?
>I don't really know what is causing it, perhaps the phimotic ring? But that's just a guess. Any suggestions would be welcome.