As an answer to: My young sons case written by LN at 18 Jun 2005 21:39:27:
Hi there,
Thank you for you story, unfortunately it is a common one. I am not sure which part of the world you are from and that is significant in answering your question. In some parts of the world monitoring of a Childs foreskin is routinely practised and encouraged by the medical profession but unfortunately in some countries (e.g. the UK) this is not the case. We believe the reason for this is because male genitals are somewhat of a Taboo subject in these countries and for that reason education on the subject is lacking. We at are committed to make a difference and we are striving to promote education on the subject and are readily seeking other volunteers to join our network of supporters. We hope to build a network of supporters to join together in giving this subject a high profile to try and challenge medical practice across the world.
If you are interested in providing support in any way please see