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Re: phimosis: my story and questions

Written by Gustavo at 29 Jun 2005 18:51:21:

As an answer to: Re: phimosis: my story and questions written by Nick at 26 Jun 2005 21:30:31:

> I'm not really sure what the significance of this topic is for you but I
> hope you now have clear in your mind your own understanding of phimosis and
> the related conditions.

I think I have a pretty good understanding now. Thanks.

> I imagine that obtaining skin from a phimotic ring to perform analysis would
> be difficult although I would be interested to hear what this may discover
> about the nature of a phimotic ring.

I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to put a circumcised foreskin under
a microscope. They already collect baby foreskins for growing skin to
be used in grafts, but I don't know if it's possible to diagnose a
phimotic ring in a newborn's foreskin.

> Picture 4 looks like a very short frenulum. Does your penis bend forwards in
> that way when you are erect.

I'm trying to remember, since I don't have many retracted erections.
Mostly the glans is higher than the shaft, in order to squeeze through
the phimotic ring.
But I think that it does bend forward a little.

I just noticed that when I perform a retraction (soft), my corona
(lips) bends down and changes shape a bit. Does this indicate frenulum
breve? How long is a normal frenulum?

> It is difficult to ascertain whether you
> retracted erections are causing you pain because you are placing pressure on
> your penis from the tight foreskin or whether you have a short frenulum.

Indeed. But I think it's primarily the phimosis. Though it's hard to
tell whether the pain is coming from skin or from the shaft.

As I said, my frenulum can turn white from being pulled really tight
(a full erection), but doesn't seem to hurt.

> This springing forward is not
> natural, a normal foreskin should quite happily remain retracted until its
> owner returns it to the forward position.

This is quite an insight. Is a normal frenulum never under pressure?
(It's surprising that my doctors never mentioned mentioned the frenulum)

So it's yet another mystery... why are some people born this way?
Actually, I have to wonder why there is a frenulum at all.

>You may discover that once
> stretching has improved your phimosis, a new problem presents itself in the
> form of a short frenulum. If this is the case you will require minor
> surgery, a frenuloplasty to be precise.

It's good to know. I'm think I'm not going to stretch or operate for
now. If sex without a condom or lubrication hurts, then I'll consider
it when the time comes.

> Surely your penis is put under more pressure during
> intercourse that whilst gently stretching your foreskin.

As I always use condoms, this is not the case. Since there is no
friction to pull my skin, it simply stays covered, and I have no
problems this way.

> I sense a
> reluctance to even touch your penis?

Not at all!

> As far as I am aware the most common and successful
> practise for stretching is by hand with steroid cream.

How is the stretching performed? Is it not against the glans?
Inserting my finger seems like reasonable stretch. This is why I was
wondering if there were any artificial "fingers", possibly inflatable,
so that one doesn't have to buy a set of 10 fingers.
