This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.

"Om frekvensen av phimosis bland värnpliktiga och folkskolebarn. Tillika ett intägg i diskussionen om sexual undervisningen i våra skolor."
On the frequency of phimosis among conscripts and Board School children. Also a contribution to the discussion on sexual hygiene instruction in our schools. (Hygiea) 21:388-390, Feb.25 '44


This study concerns 20,361 soldiers and reports 4.1% with phimosis: - I don't understand what degree of phimosis was measured, and don't know what other factors might be involved. This undeniably important study must be researched, if you understand Swedish, - please contact me - The English Abstract reads as follows:

"The author points out that medical literature unanimously recommends the correction of phimosis in childhood (my note, he was writing pre Øster) -- or anyway not later than the age of puberty -- in view of the troubles and complications frequently attending this condition. He gives the result of an investigation into the frequency of phimosis among the 1936 class of conscripts in the Swedish army, which proved to be 4.1 per cent of 20,361 men examined. An investigation of this condition among Board School children has led the author to demand effective control and treatment of it in the schools. Treatment should be undertaken not later than the 7th. school year. The desirability is also pointed out of the School Medical Officer's supplementing the sexual hygiene instruction of the teacher by demonstrating the retractability of the prepuce and by impressing the pupils with the importance of cleanliness to these parts."

Ludvigsson and Bokström could be faxed or mailed to anyone who will translate them or at least the summary, the essence of it, and then in the name of research I`ll put it on-line.

Ludvigsson J, Fimosis hos 19-aringar - [Phimosis in 19-year-olds] Lakartidningen 1972 Dec 13;69(51):6028-9
There is no English abstract, --- from what I can read; "examined 405 19 yr. olds" Tabel 1 says "Normala 94,3% Fimosis 5,0%" - later he says "8 (2 percent) had already been treated for phimosis", therefore his statistics are 2% already treated 2% healthy phimosis, 1% phimosis (note from Finnish Swedish speaker: "botade" means "healed" or in this context more likely "already treated")