Psychological research has concentrated on parental and environmental phenomenon, and the urological disciplines do not include sexual behaviour. Scientific research has overlooked this area of human sexuality.

This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.

The Different

Being curious as to why such diversity of very strong opinion exists on circumcision, I thought a while and would like to propose the following theories.

I would like to consider the different fates of the foreskin in five rough categories:

    1. Free of problems, circumcised routinely in childhood,
    2. Free of problems, uncircumcised,
    3. Circumcised routinely and developed problems from the operation,
    4. Uncircumcised with conscious problems,
    5. Uncircumcised with problems and unaware of these.

_____1. 2. In the vast majority of cases the circumcised or uncircumcised man, who is free of problems, is happy as he is.

It is obvious that the essential physical masculine part of an uncircumcised and a circumcised man is different. However any difference in potential for manhood is insignificant, anatomically and psychologically, in comparison to a man who has any sort of anatomical restriction.

_____3. The man who was routinely circumcised in childhood, who has experienced problems (usually from skin bridges), can often feel quite angry about this early interference. The apparent senselessness of this routine operation in a rational and free thinking culture, can be felt as a breach of modern civil liberties.

In these cases it would be understandable to develop an undue feeling of value for the lost or 'stolen' foreskin. The development and recognition of restoration programs and operations may help in some cases, however the alleviative which is most often called for is to abolish routine infant circumcision.

_____4. Boys who are consciously aware of pain or difficulty develop a strong awareness of the glans other can show and they cannot and are often quite capable of deciding for themselves at puberty that circumcision is needed. It is clear that during puberty, some youths build up painful memories and even resentment about their problem foreskins. It appears to be often such men who support ideas of routine circumcision.

If a boy wants a circumcision for any reasons, then he should most certainly be given this.

_____ 5. Those men who were not aware of their problem, with conditions where the foreskin has often covered the glans entirely, have sometimes only ever seen their foreskin and never knew it could retract . The nature of such problems often leads to an excessive attachment to the foreskin. This can lead to traumatic feelings among some adults when confronted with circumcision.

This situation should be respected and unless specifically requested, stretching or minimal surgery should be considered, (with the obvious possibility of removing more at a later date if this become desirable).