This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.


The Taboo on Phimotic Ring

PA. Dewan et al
Phimosis: is circumcision necessary?
J Paediatr Child Health 1996 Aug;32(4):285-9
"... circumcision is the ... most performed surgical procedure in the world. ... The most common stated medical indication for circumcision is phimosis, however, the definition of this condition is obscure in most publications ... Little is known or written about the aetology of true phimosis, despite the supposed frequency varying from 4 to 10%. ... "

AM Rickwood et al
Phimosis in boys.
Br J Urol 1980 Apr;52(2):147-50
"Little is known of this condition. ... Its natural history is unknown and its histological features have not been described. ... Its aetology remains obscure."

R Chopra et al
Phimosis and Diabetes Mellitus.
J Urol 1982 Jun;127(6):1101-2
"No description of the histologic examinations of phimotic foreskins was found in the literature."

OJ. Clemmensen et al
The histologic spectrum of prepuces from patients with phimosis.
Am J Dermatopathol 1988 Apr;10(2):104-8
"The lesion usually affects the inner blade of the prepuce, leaving for direct examination only a nonretractable prepuce with a conspicuous distal stenosis. The glans penis may or may not be affected, but it is often inaccessible for inspection due to the preputial stenosis. Therefore, circumcision for phimosis is often performed without primary knowledge of the nature of the underlying pathologic condition."

In addition
Please note Øster's oversights, and the repititions of his mistake: modern studies quoting and misquoting Øster leading to general misunderstandings about statistics.
Also please note the confusion among anthropological thinkers.

Taboos Within Taboos
It is as unbelievable as it is true that the most accurate physical description to date of a phimotic ring comes from a study of 21 or 22 corpses, In 1996 the British Journal of Urology published the study written by a supporter of the anti routine circumcision movement who was in fact attempting to show the value of the foreskin . He describes the exact position of the phimotic ring and explains that "the richly innervated nature of the 'ridged band'" is a valuable part of the normal foreskin. (see Phimosis Research in Medical Studies - Curiosities").

The Taboo on Frenulum Breve

In 1779 Diderot wrote - its extreme sensitivity shows that it is full of a quantity of nerves spreading out and perhaps for this reason it merits more attention on behalf of the physicians, who have not done this until present - In 1958 Grewel wrote

"The psychodynamics of this repression on the part of the physicians is a striking phenomenon in itself. It cannot be masculine pride alone ... which has caused the phenomenon to be neglected by male physicians and psychoanalysts, and caused it to be forgotten in dermatological literature. ... resulting in a general or collective repression of the phenomenon." (82)

While Grewel was referring principally to the repeated ripping of the frenulum, his statements appear valid for all the persisting and painful conditions. Modern medical literature Whelan wrote in 1977 "The existence of a short frenulum is noted in few urological text books.".

Pienkos confirms in 1989 "The request ... to alleviate painful erections and intercourse and frenular tears is not widely appreciated in the urological literature. Being unpublished, these complaints can easily be ignored or discounted for reasons of secondary gain." (11). (secondary gain in this context refers to financial gain)

There are a collection of studies concerning the sexual problems of a short frenulum among animals, the statistics and the early prevention of such problems among animals. Perhaps this is because "Copulation failure in food animals can be economically devastating to producers." (G. St Jean)

The amazing Grewel again in conclusion, speaking to my heart, (remember naming is a sign of cultural nrecognition): "It is as remarkable that a part of the surface anatomy of the man received no name, (Grewel refers to the small folds on each side of the frenulum) as that the phenomenon of the erosion or laceration of the frenum and its alae, though not unknown, receives so little attention, and is even manifestly neglected in medical literature. . . . That excoriation of the frenum praeputii has also been neglected by psychiatrists and psychoanalysts is even more remarkable."

For more info see Frenulum Breve : A Common Delusion